
课程号 02132050 学分 2
英文名称 Rise of the Great Powers
中文简介 近代以来有九个国家曾经是(或现在是)“世界大国”,本课程讲述这九个国家的兴衰史,从中寻找大国兴衰的规律性特征, 从而为中国现代化和中国的国际地位提供有意义的思考。
英文简介 There have been nine countries in modern times in the world which can be counted as “world powers”. This course is to look back the history of the rise and fall of these powers and try to sum up useful conclusions in the up-and-down of various countries.
The first two ”world powers“ were Portugal and Spain, which opened the way for Europeans to go over to the world by “Great Discovery”. Their achievements were made possible by their successful creation of a new type of state—absolute monarchy, which was followed suit by almost all other countries in Europe. Mercantilism was their invention in economic policies, absolutism plus mercantilism brought world status to these two countries.
17th century was the “Dutch century”, as people always say. Holland‘s up-rise indicated a peak of mercantilism, with which the Dutch invented or perfected many commercial mechanisms that even today are prevalent. The Dutch success was attributed to the occurrence of a Dutch state after independence, without a nation-state as political framework to support the economy no country could develop on its own track.
Britain and France were the two which led the way to industrial society. Having followed the above-said countries in monarchical-mercantile pattern for their earlier developments they began their maneuver to throw off absolutist shackles in pursuing a free market economy. Old capitalism passed away, a new capitalism was in making. Britain became the hegemony power in the 18th and 19th centuries while France remained in the second place. Both of them opened the way to industrial capitalism
Their mode of laissez-faire was repudiated and thrown away by Germany which, after the unification of the country and a nation-state in making, decided to break a new road to overpass their forerunners. Germany tried a new mode of industrialization: government again stepped in and became a motive force in economic growth. Germany set an example for many countries which began industrialization even later than Germany, among them was Japan. Both countries achieved great achievements but, because of their cultural and historical heritage, their adventures failed with militarism.
Among all the “world powers” so far, the USSR was the only one taking a socialist shape. USSR became one of the two “superpowers” after the World War Two but had built up the foundation of a big power before the war. The Soviet Union completed its industrialization in an overall deferent way from all others--a way through which the so called “planned economy” was the password. With “planned economy” the state not only intervened, as in Germany, but also organized and implemented economic activities. Yet, with all its successes, the Soviet Union disintegrated in a sudden out of any prediction, the main cause of which lay in the fact that for too long its leadership did not realized the necessity for change and lost the best chance to reform.
In summary: those which lead the current of the age lead the world and make themselves “world powers” of the time; those which lost the lead in creativeness lost their status as great powers. China can draw lessons from the rise-and-fall process of world powers. This is the aim to lecture on the theme.
开课院系 历史学系
通选课领域 d
授课语言 中文
教材 15世纪以来世界九强兴衰史,齐世荣、钱乘旦、张宏毅,人民出版社,2009;
教学大纲 通过对世界九强的大国兴衰史的考察,了解近代以来世界格局的变化,了解“世界强国”发展和演变的历史,考察“大国兴衰”的时代机制和规律性特点,更深刻理解国家兴盛的条件与过程,总结经验,反思教训,为中国现代化提供有益的思考。
第一次 总论;葡萄牙和西班牙:早期重商主义国家(一)
第二次 葡萄牙和西班牙:早期重商主义国家(二)
第三次 荷兰的世纪:重商主义的高峰
第四次 英国的崛起:早期发展
第五次 英国的崛起:开辟工业化道路
第六次 法国的大国之路:曲折的发展
第七次 法国的大国之路:革命之路
第八次 中期讨论
第九次 德国的道路:走向统一
第十次 德国的道路:走向强权
第十一次 日本:经验与教训
第十二次 俄罗斯的强国之路:从沙俄到苏联
第十三次 俄罗斯的强国之路:社会主义世界大国苏联
第十四次 美国:美国的特性
第十五次 美国:当代资本主义集大成
The United States is the only superpower of the day but cannot and will not always to be. From the late 19th century on, facing growing social crises, the United States started its long process of exploration of forming a new capitalism, which was succeeded in the shape of “mixed economy”. The “mixed economy” is a new type of capitalism which combined the “hand invisible” with the “hand visible”. The American type of capitalism is the capitalism of the time and the United States is the leading force of now. Yet, though the strongest country in the world as it is at present the United States looks more like a setting sun. Declination begins with it and new powers are rising, but it is still for while to see who will lead the next epoch.
第十六次 期末讨论
教学评估 钱乘旦: