
课程号 02133060 学分 2
英文名称 Introduction to Classical Studies
中文简介 本课程致力于为古典研究的入门提供一个实践性的导论。课程的重点在于了解与学习古典学者在进行研究时将面对的基本的方法与问题。我们将讨论如何使用和审视不同体裁(如史诗、历史作品、演讲)和不同介质(如铭文、纸草和钱币)中的各类史料,帮助大家掌握古典学领域最基本的知识,包括古代世界的历史文化趋势以及研究现状。本课程将特别专注于发展学生的研究技能,并为将来的研究工作打下基础。
英文简介 This course aims to offer a practical introduction to classical studies. The focus will be on learning the basic methods and problems that classicists face in conducting research. We shall discuss how to use and examine a variety of evidence across different genres (e.g., epic, historiography, oratory) and media (e.g., inscriptions, papyri and coins). The course will help you to become familiar with the most basic knowledge in the field of classics, including historical and cultural trends of ancient world as well as current research state. In particular, the course will focus on developing your research skill and serve you for the study in future.
开课院系 历史学系
授课语言 英文
教材 - Cambridge Ancient History, vols. I-XIV,Cambridge,2005,2nd, 3rd;
Greek and Roman Historiography,- Marincola, J,Oxford,2011,
教学大纲 Classics or classical studies is a discipline within the humanities which covers the history, language, literature, philosophy and visual culture of ancient Greece and Rome in the period from the beginning of the Mycenaean civilization around 1600 BC until the collapse of the western Roman Empire in the fifth century AD. The aim of this course is to offer the students an introduction to this discipline, not by providing a digestible narrative of the history of ancient Greece and Rome, but by dealing with methodologies and major scholarly debates in the field of classics. The idea is that by focusing on debates and on methodologies students will become familiar with the conduct of research in the field of classics.
The debates and topics to be covered in the course should be chosen in such a way that various aspects of the Graeco-Roman world are dealt with. The following themes may be useful: literacy in antiquity;
Thucydides as source;(2)
religious life in Greece; (2)
Roman imperialism;(2)
social developments and crises of the Roman Republic; (2)
democracy in Republican Rome; (2)
the Forum of Augustus and the power of imagery; (2)
the foundation of the Principate and imperial succession; (2)
Tacitus and inscriptions; (2)
ancient historiography,(2)
poetry and the reputation of Roman emperors;(2)
imperial cult; the functioning of the empire; (2)
the representation of imperial power on coinage; (2)
Rome, the armies and the Roman economy; (2)
the Third Century, an age of crisis?; (2)
Christianity and the Roman Empire; (2)
Games in ancient Greece; (2)
教学评估 Hendrikus A.M.(Rik)van Wijlick: