古希腊思想 (1)课程详细信息

课程号 02133140 学分 2
英文名称 Ancient Greek Thought
中文简介 这门课程我们将学习和考察作为哲学起源的早期希腊哲学,涉及的文本将既包含一般被称为“前苏格拉底哲学家”的作者,也包含事实上探讨同一主题的早期医学文献,特别是归于Hippocrates名下的部分著作。我们将研读从Thales一直到Democritus的经典原文,也探讨晚近出土的Derveni Papyrus和Strasbourg papyrus等新文献,同时也我们也尽可能讨论部分晚近出版的相关研究文献。我们将尤其关注:(1)晚近的doxography研究和史料批判(source criticism)研究对于阅读前苏文本的影响;(2)以“论自然”作为主线,考察哲学与医学的交融和互动;(3)早期希腊哲学中的mythos与logos。(4)早期希腊哲学中部分核心概念的演进,及其与柏拉图和亚里士多德相关使用的区别与联系。
英文简介 The focus of this course of early Greek philosophy, the origin of Western philosophy. We shall discuss not only those who are usually called the Presocratics, but also medical texts from the Corpus Hippocraticum which share similar topics and interests with the Presocratic philosophers. The texts we will study include fragments and testimonies of the natural philosophers, recently discovered documents (e.g. Derveni Papyrus and Strasbourg Papyrus) and important research articles. We are in particular concerned with the following subject matters: (1) How recent studies on doxography and sources change the way we understand Presocratic philosophers; (2) how early natural philosophy is related, and interacts, with medical theories; (3) how to understand the relation between mythos and logos in early Greek thought; and (4) the transformation of philosophical concepts from the Archaic Period to Plato and Aristotle.
开课院系 历史学系
授课语言 中文
教材 The Presocratic Philosophers: A Critical History with a Selection of Texts,G. S. Kirk, J. E. Raven M. Schofield,CUP,1984,978-0521274555;
The Texts of Early Greek Philosophy,Daniel W. Graham,CUP,2010,9780521608428;
教学大纲 使得学生接触早期希腊哲学基本史料,把握当前研究的问题和趋势,初步掌握历史考据和论证重构的方法。
week1: Introduction: the Making of Presocratic Philosophy (3学时)
week2: The Milesians: Thales, Anaximander, Anaximenes (3学时)
week3: Xenophanes (3学时)
week4: Heraclitus (3学时)
week5: Parmenides 1 (3学时)
week6: Parmenides 2 (3学时)
week7: Zeno (3学时)
week8: Anaxagroas (3学时)
week9: Pythagoreanism (3学时)
week10: Derveni Papyrus (3学时)
week11: Empedocles 1 (3学时)
week12: Empedocles 2: Strasbourg Papyrus (3学时)
week13: Atomism1: Leucippus and Democritus (3学时)
week14: Atomism2: Leucippus and Democritus (3学时)
week15: Hippocratic Medicine in the Formation of Early Greek Philosophy 1 (3学时)
week16: Hippocratic Medicine in the Formation of Early Greek Philosophy 2 (3学时)
教学评估 程炜:
学年度学期:16-17-1,课程班:古希腊思想 (1)1,课程推荐得分:5.0,教师推荐得分:5.0,课程得分分数段:100-105;