
课程号 03530610 学分 2
英文名称 East Asian Politics
中文简介 本门课旨在分析东亚经济发展的政治经济背景。以韩国为主要研究案例,并加入日本和中国案例作为比较。本门课首先介绍1950年代以后东亚成功的经济发展的相关学术方法和以日本案例为基础的国家中心理论后,具体考察韩国的案例。研究韩国在1970-80年代推行的经济发展战略核心及其政治背景,和主要的行为者,并对1990年代末经济危机的原因和结果,以及恢复期中国家作用的变化进行分析。本门课通过分析经济发展过程中国家和市场关系的变化,以探讨东亚国家主导型经济发展模式的未来。
英文简介 This course analyzes the political economy of development in East Asia. This course focuses on South Korea (henceforth Korea) as the main case, yet it considers Japan and China as comparative cases. After reviewing key theoretical approaches to the successful state-led development of East Asian economies since the 1950s, this course narrows its focus down on Korea. It explores how Korea has achieved dramatic economic and political development since the 1970s, faced a serious economic crisis in the late 1990s, and attempted to overcome new challenges since then. Utilizing the Korean case, this course will also discuss the role of the state and market in economic development, the validity of state-led development model, and the political and economic paths that the East Asian economies might take in the future.
开课院系 外国语学院
授课语言 英文
教材 Korean Politics,John Oh,Cornell University Press,1999,Understanding Korean Politics,Soong Hoom Kil & Chung-in Moon,State University of New York Press.,2001;
教学大纲 本门课旨在分析东亚经济发展的政治经济背景。以韩国为主要研究案例,并加入日本和中国案例作为比较。本门课首先介绍1950年代以后与东亚成功的经济发展相关的学术方法和以日本案例为基础的国家中心理论后,具体考察韩国的案例。研究韩国在1970-80年代推行的经济发展战略核心及其政治背景,和主要的行为者,并对1990年代末经济危机的原因和结果,以及恢复期中国家作用的变化进行分析。本门课通过分析经济发展过程中国家和市场关系的变化,以探讨东亚国家主导型经济发展模式的未来。
1) 前有“*”标识的为核心阅读材料。 (需提交总结).
2) 实际课程进度可随教师调整。但学生需按以下的课程安排提交总结。

Session 1         介绍
Themes, organization, and requirements of the course; raises key questions to be explored.
Documentary Film Screening: Asia Rising

Session 2                问题提出

Session 3                东亚经济的成功与危机
*World Bank. 1993. The East Asian Miracle: Economic Growth and Public Policy. Oxford
University Press. Overview (pp.1-26).

Session 4                       “日本模式”
*Chalmers Johnson. 1982. MITI and the Japanese Miracle. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Chapter 1 (pp. 3-34; focus on 17-28).

Session 5           超越发展国家
Chung-In Moon and Rashmi Prasad. 1994. “Beyond the Developmental State: Institution,
Networks, and Politics.” Governance: International Journal of Policy and Administration (pp.360-386).

Session 6           韩国经济发展的逻辑
*Stephan Haggard and Chung-in Moon. 1993. “The State, Politics, and Economic
Development in Postwar South Korea.” In Hagen Koo ed., State and Society in Contemporary Korea. Chapter 2 (pp. 51-93; focus on pp.51-80).
Soong Hoom Kil. 2001. Understanding Korean Politics. Chapter 3 (pp. 33-64).

Session 7             韩国发展模式
Sung-Hee Jwa. 2002. “Industrial Policies and the Growth of the Chaebol.” In The Evolution of
Large Corporations in Korea. Chapter 2 (pp.17-30).

Session 8            期中考试

Session 9                 韩国政治经济的变化
*Chung-In Moon. 1994. “Changing Patterns of Business-Government Relations in South
Korea.” In MacIntyre ed., Business and Government in Industrializing Asia. Chapter 5 (pp.142-166).  

Session 11                韩国政治经济的发展

Session 12                     东亚金融危机
*Stephan Haggard. 2000. The Political Economy of the Asian Financial crisis. Introduction &
Chapter 1 (pp.3-7 only & pp.15-46).

Session 13                     韩国经济的改革和恢复
*Jang-Sup Shin and Ha-Joon Chang. 2003. Restructuring Korea Inc. Chapter 3 (pp.65-81

额外课程: 日期待定

Session 14                     国家或市场?

Session 15                     最终讨论

Session 16                     期末考试

★ 学生们需参加两次额外的课程——课程说明会和研讨会 (或在3月&5月).
★2次严重迟到 (迟到20分钟以上) = 1次缺席。

1) 所有的学生应在上课前完成指定阅读。
2) 每部分将有一个核心阅读 (前有 *标识),学生需在上课前提交1页关于该篇阅读材料的总结。
3) 总结将于考试中返还。
出席率(参与度另有加分)      20%
总结 & 作业                20%
期中考试                   30%
期末考试            30%