
课程号 04332554 学分 1
英文名称 Course of Art Practice (4)
先修课程  无
中文简介 课程限高水平艺术团选课。
英文简介 In spite of the innumerable books that have been written about China in recent years, it is remarkable how little really authentic knowledge has about the music of China. Even most well-educated Americans or Europeans, if asked to list some of China’s major musicians, will, unless they are China specialists, be unable to name more than Tan dun, Langlang and possibly someone like them. This statement applies almost as strongly to the western average professional teacher of Chinese Music as it does to the laymen. Those things also happened with the Chinese students today, who were bone after 1980’s.
Books, articles and curriculums in English on the subject are not lacking, to be sure, but with few exceptions they are either too specialized to be popular or too popular to have much value. The present one, indeed, is the trying in English that attempts to give a really comprehensive and systemic account to Chinese music as a whole, from its beginning with pre-Qin period to the present day since 1949. Following the course, you will see that Chinese Music is far wider in scope that either what you had learned before you joined this class or what you had been told through some readings and hearings.
The class takes a serial teaching function that consists of six parts in six semesters. Locating the musicality development targets both theory and practice, not just Chinese but non-Chinese’s. The class hosts parts training, group study, individual class, concert music, chamber music, etc., each part plays step-by-step process. Candidates should use their discretion in their choice, under the instruction of the class, presents development in music sources reading and concert performance program. Pre-exam would be required.
开课院系 艺术学院
授课语言 中文
教学大纲 1
教学评估 朱秋华: