
课程号 01834180 学分 2
英文名称 Global Journalism in a World of Crisis
中文简介 本课旨在跟进学生对国际新闻的认识,从策略叙事的角度解析新近发生的对地区或世界形势发展,以及全球新闻业产生较大影响的代表性案例,并探讨国内媒体对外传播中尚存的不足。希望本课可以激发学生的全球新闻想象,并形成学生对新媒体环境下国际新闻演变发展的批判思维,以及对中国媒体叙事策略的反观。
英文简介 This class seeks to deepen students’ understanding of narrative analysis, especially strategic narratives in the studies of international news and stimulates students imagi-nation of the Global Journalism. It focuses on the most critical cases that recently emerged and have significantly impacted the evolution of global journalism as well as China’s (mediated) engagement with the world media environment.

The class is composed by four main parts:
Part I. Theoretic Understanding of Narratives in International News and Its De-velopment
This part provides a basic theoretic understanding of media narratives, strategic narra-tives, international news, and the importance of narrative analysis in media and com-munication studies. Responding to the changing news industry that is shaped by the development of digital media ecology, elements such as connectivity, interactivity, re-contextualization of media content, and the complex web of intercultural dynamics are taken into consideration to observe the new Web 2.0 storytelling.  
Part II. Emerging Cases of the world of Crisis and the development in narratives
This part will discuss how the news narratives were developed into shaping this world filled with crisis. Emerging critical cases will include: Europe-China Relation after the Eurozone debt Crisis(2009-2014); Brexit and its impact on China(2015); Trump’s Greater America and his full-range mediated Campaign(2016); and China’s One Belt One Road Initiatives (2014-2017)
Part III. New Trends in Global Journalism: Crisis of Journalism or Challenges?
This part will introduce some of the most trendy phenomenons (e.g. data journalism, networked journalism, fake news) recently leaded the move of the global news indus-try in response to the development of the new media technology and the spread of so-cial network platforms. The discussion will not center “journalism” as business to dis-close the so-called “crisis”, but center “journalism” as production of reliable infor-mation and analysis, that we just arrived at its golden time.
Part IV. Where and How is China’s Voice?
This part will focus on the performance of Chinese media going out and whether the development of its strategic narratives fit or not yet fit into the global media environ-ment. The current limits of Chinese media narratives of going abroad, and the future improvement that should be learned and prepared for a better narrative version of China’s stories will be inspired.

Given the significant challenges facing the World— America (e.g. uncertainties after Trump’s presidency, anti-globalization movement); Europe (e.g., the potential for EU disintegration, the refugee crisis, and right-wing political movements) and China (the slowing growth in the economy, the looming environmental sustainability crisis, and the challenges to China’s public diplomacy), this class unfolds at an especially im-portant time when protectionism, populism and anti-globalization are on the rise, and China’s international role is winning more significance in face of the changing power structures of the global economy and political order. Students will be guided to look at these cases of emerging crisis through the lens of narrative analysis, and guided to un-derstand the challenges posed by new technologies for future news making. The pro-duction of news has already became a never-ending process and web of creating in-formation and fact-checking, we are all in such process and web now as different nodes in creating, transmitting, updating, or recreating narratives about ourselves and the world.
开课院系 新闻与传播学院
授课语言 中文
教学大纲 本课旨在跟进学生对国际新闻的认识,从策略叙事的角度解析新近发生的对地区或世界形势发展,以及全球新闻业产生较大影响的代表性案例,并探讨国内媒体对外传播中尚存的不足。希望本课可以激发学生的全球新闻想象,并形成学生对新媒体环境下国际新闻演变发展的批判思维,以及对中国媒体叙事策略的反观。
全球传播的新闻叙事及想象Global Journalism in a World of Crisis
提供关于新闻文本框架,新闻(策略)叙事以及国际新闻的相关基础性理论。数字时代所带来的叙事变化,受众对国际新闻消费行为的变化,以及web 2.0版本的故事如何在传统新闻媒体与社交网络的相互关联下讲述世界。
从叙事传播的角度对新近发生的对世界形势发展或全球新闻业产生较大影响的代表性案例进行深度的剖析,并讨论在这些案例之中关于中国的叙事呈现。四个核心案例包括:欧元危机之后的中欧关系;英国脱欧及其对中国的影响 ;特朗普全媒体参与式竞选;以及中国的“一带一路”在欧洲的呈现与未呈现。
新的媒介技术与应用平台的更新给全球新闻业带来史无前例的变化,不是把新闻业当作business来探讨传统新闻行业的所谓“危机”,而是把新闻当做production of reliable information and analysis来审视技术所带来的变革与思考。逐一介绍数据新闻data journalism,联网式新闻networked journalism,假新闻fake news等现象,中国国内新闻媒体对于此类现象的回应以及外媒报道中国的挑战也将在与学生的讨论中进行。
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