
课程号 04833250 学分 2
英文名称 Picturing Quantum Processes
先修课程 线性代数(矩阵,有限维线性空间,特征值,特征向量,线性映射)
中文简介 本课程将为量子计算机科学这一新兴领域提供一个跨学科的介绍,解释基本量子力学(包括有限维希尔伯特空间及其张量积),量子纠缠及其结构和物理特性(例如非局部性,不可克隆原理 ),并引入量子比特。 我们详细讨论一些关键的算法和协议,如Grover的搜索算法和Shor的因式分解算法,量子传送和量子密钥交换。不同于一般介绍量子理论及其应用的方式,我们首次整个地采用图解推理的形式讲解。
英文简介 This course provides an interdisciplinary introduction to the emerging field of quantum computer science, explaining basic quantum mechanics (including finite dimensional Hilbert spaces and their tensor products), quantum entanglement, its structure and its physical consequences (e.g. non-locality, no-cloning principle), and introduces qubits. We give detailed discussions of some key algorithms and protocols such as Grover's search algorithm and Shor's factorization algorithm, quantum teleportation and quantum key exchange. At the same time, this course provides an introduction to diagrammatic reasoning. As an entirely diagrammatic presentation of quantum theory and its applications, this course is the first of its kind.
开课院系 信息科学技术学院
授课语言 英文
教材 Picturing Quantum Processes: A First Course in Quantum Theory and Diagrammatic Reasoning,B. Coecke and A. Kissinger,Cambridge University Press,2017;
Foundations of Quantum Programming,M. Ying,Morgan Kaufmann Publishers,2016,Quantum computation and quantum information,M. Nielsen and I. L. Chuang,Cambridge University Press,2010,Categories for the practising physicist,B. Coecke and E. O. Paquette,arXiv:0905.3010v2,2009,
教学大纲 1) 学生将在课程结束时知道量子计算和量子协议是什么,为什么它们重要,以及该领域的科学前景。
2) 帮助学生理解和使用图解推理,培养和训练学生的研究能力。
? Introduction: 1学时
? Processes as diagramsz: 2学时
? String diagrams: 1学时
? Hilbert space from diagrams: 2学时
? Quantum processes: 3学时
? Quantum measurement: 3学时
? Picturing classical-quantum processes: 3学时
? Picturing phases and complementarity: 3学时
? Quantum theory: the full picture: 3学时
? Quantum foundations: 3学时
? Quantum computation: 3学时
? Quantum resources: 2学时
? Quantomatic: 1学时
? Discussion and presentations: 2学时
教学评估 曹永知: