
课程号 04833280 学分 2
英文名称 Mobile Sensing System and Applications
先修课程 计算机系统导论,计算机网络(建议)
中文简介 这门课主要介绍移动感知系统和应用的最前沿的研究成果,特别是那些基于现有移动设备和嵌入式系统的。主要内容包括:室内位置感知和导航,交通,声音感知,人体活动,穿戴式设备,毫米波,健康与医疗等方面的系统和应用。课程要求学生阅读最新英文文献,写出文献的评述报告,课堂上讨论这些工作的优缺点,做课程项目并写出报告。
英文简介 This is a research oriented course focusing on recent advances and developments in mobile sensing systems and their applications, especially those leveraging modern mobile devices and embedded sensors. Topics include: indoor location sensing, mapping and navigation, acoustic sensing, transportation, human activity, wearable devices, millimeter wave sensing, fitness and health. Students need to read latest literature and write reviews, discuss pros/cons of research papers, work on research problems and develop solutions, present their work in formal reports. The practice of the basic research skills are major components. The course intends to be self-sufficient and prior experiences in programming, mobile devices and embedded systems is a plus.
开课院系 信息科学技术学院
授课语言 中英双语
教材 移动互联网导论,王新兵,清华大学出版社,2015;
教学大纲 1. 了解移动感知系统和应用前沿的科学问题,掌握相关的关键技术。
2. 培养和训练学生的研究能力,包括文献阅读评述,口头表达,独立思考解决问题,撰写正式研究报告等方面的能力,为学生提供展现创新能力的平台。
? Course overview, sample paper presentation, sample review summary
? Information centric networking, how to do research, literature review, project ideas
? Indoor location sensing
? Transportation applications
? Acoustic sensing systems
? Human activity sensing
? Wearable devices
? Millimeter wave sensing and side channels
? Fitness and health applications

? Course structure and organization, indoor mapping, how to write paper reviews: 3
? Information centric networking, research methodology, how to do literature review, course project ideas : 3
? Electric, inertial and echo based indoor localization: 3
? Drone control, fuel efficient driving, car localization: 3
? Acoustic ranging, key snooping, vibration motor listening: 3
? WiFi, light based human activity sensing, gesture tracking: 2
? Virtual reality gear, smart glasses, typing without keyboard: 2
? Mobile radar imaging, passive tracking and cross-radio communication: 2
? Monitoring of sleep apea, sleep quality, bodies sounds: 2
? Paper presentation: 6
教学评估 许辰人: