
课程号 18050110 学分 1
英文名称 Heart health: a beginner’s guide
中文简介 心脏是人体最重要的器官,是生命活动的发动机,在人的一生中心脏大约跳动25亿次,为人体供血供氧。当心脏出现问题时,无法完成上述任务,从而导致最严重的健康问题,甚至发生死亡。目前心脏相关疾病已成为中国乃至全球成人死亡的首要原因,全球每年因心脏问题死亡人数约为1700万。尽管在人类衰老的过程中一些心脏疾病的发生不可避免,但如能在青少年阶段尽早的开始健康的生活方式,能够掌握足够的知识尽早识别心脏疾病的早期征象,特别是在青少年阶段了解心脏疾病的基本知识,从而早期认知、早期识别、早期预防,对于防止心脏疾病、甚至死亡的发生是至关重要的。此外,在青少年中普及心脏疾病知识及心脏急救方法是院校教育的实际需要,也是世界主流国家的通行做法。
在课程中,我们首先对心脏及其相关疾病进行概述,追溯公元前2世纪至今对心脏结构、功能和心脏疾病的认知,以及在诊治方面取得的具有里程碑意义的进展。随后对心脏疾病相关的危险因素,如高血压、高脂血症、糖尿病、肥胖等做介绍,随着生活水平的提高这些危险因素在青少年群体呈流行趋势。通过对危险因素概念的强化让学生了解在进行常规体检时,应注意哪些心脏相关的指标,清楚了解与自己健康相关的数字。并对常见的心脏疾病,特别是最为高发的冠心病进行介绍。在对心脏疾病有了初步概念后,进一步普及心血管疾病的急救常识,重点讲解能够拯救生命的急救措施— 心肺复苏及自动体外除颤仪的操作。此外,除了讲解心脏及心脏相关疾病的知识以及如何保持个体心脏健康外,我们还将在我国和世界卫生组织的大框架下对这类疾病的全球管理模式进行分析和比对。课程中还会涉及祖国医学对于这种疾病的保健和养生知识。在课程最后,我们会介绍在心脏领域的最新进展,包括基础研究领域里的再生医学、新技术领域的远程医疗,以及大数据对人类心脏疾病的影响等热点问题,这些都可能在未来维护心脏健康、改善疾病的过程中发挥重要作用。
英文简介 The heart is one of the most important organs in the entire human body, which beats about 2.5 billion times over the average lifetime, pushing millions of gallons of blood to every part of the body. This steady flow carries with it oxygen, fuel, hormones, other compounds, and a host of essential cells. It also whisks away the waste products of metabolism. If the heart ever ceases to pump blood the body begins to shut down and after a very short period of time will die.
heart disease is the leading global cause of death, accounting for 17.3 million deaths per year, a number that is expected to grow to more than 23.6 million by 2030. Accurate knowledge of the incidence and cause of heart disease in the young adult population is of obvious importance. Although many people develop some form of cardiovascular disease (a catch-all term for all of the diseases affecting the heart and blood vessels) as they get older, it isn't inevitable. A healthy lifestyle, especially when started at a young age, goes a long way to preventing cardiovascular disease. Lifestyle changes and medications can nip heart-harming trends, like high blood pressure or high cholesterol, in the bud before they cause damage. And a variety of medications, operations, and devices can help support the heart if damage occurs.
In this curriculum, we will have a general introduction to the cognition of cardiac structure, function and heart-related diseases which can be traced back to 2nd century BC, as well as the landmark development in diagnosis and treatment. Furthermore, we will illustrate the risk factors of heart-related diseases, such as hypertension, hyperlipdemia, diabetes mellitus, obesity etc.. With the improvement of living standard, these risk factors have a tendency in adolescence. By enforcing the conception of risk factors, students could learn about paying attention to which kind of heart-related index in routine physical examination and clearly understand their health-related parameters. Moreover, we will have an introduction to common heart-related diseases, especially to coronary heart disease with the highest morbidity. As we have had the basic knowledge of heart diseases, first aid of cardiovascular diseases, the operations of cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and Automated external defibrilator (AED) which can save lives in particular will be presented. In addition to interpretation heart-related diseases and how to keep the individual heart health, we will analyze and compare the global management modes of such kind of diseases under the framework of health organization. This course will involve the traditional Chinese medicine treatment to this kind of diseases as well. Finally, we will introduce the latest development in the cardiac-field, including regenerative medicine in the fields of basic research, telemedicine in the new technology field, and the big data to the effect of human heart disease, all of which will play an important role in maintaining the health of heart and improving the disease control.
开课院系 医学部教学办
授课语言 中文
教材 The AHA Clinical Cardiac Consult,J. V.Ian Nixon,科学出版社,2012,Essential Atlas of Cardiovascular Disease,Peter Libby,人民军医出版社,2016,Aging and the Heart a Post Genomic View,Jose Marin-Garcia,科学出版社,2015,Slay The Giant: The Power of Prevention in Defeating Heart Disease,Elizabeth Klodas,当代中国出版社,2010,Cardiac Rehabilitation Manual,Josef Niebauer,北京大学医学出版社,2012,Revising Cardiac Anatomy:A Computed-Tomography-Based Atlas and Reference,Farhood Saremi,山东科学技术出版社,2013,健康从业人员心血管急救手册,美国心脏协会,浙江大学出版社,2015,拯救心脏:急救?心肺复苏?自动体外除颤器(学员手册),美国心脏协会,浙江大学出版,2015,中国心血管疾病康复/二级预防指南(2015版),胡大一,北京科学技术出版,2015,心脏学简史(开拓者与里程碑事件),富维骏,第二军医大学出版社,2015,
教学大纲 本门课程目的在于加强学生对于心脏的作用原理、心脏疾病的影响,心脏疾病的急救常识以及心脏疾病的预防的了解。
1. 心脏疾病概述  (2学时)
2. 心脏疾病的流行病学   (2学时)
内容介绍: 目前心脏疾病在全世界绝大多数国家都是成人死亡的首要原因,了解心脏疾病的全球发病情况,介绍心血管疾病的重要流行病学研究,了解人类在探究心脏流行病学的重要发现。
3. 心脏疾病危险因素的识别及知晓  (2学时)
4. 心脏疾病的急救常识  (4学时)
5. 心脏常见疾病的临床表现  (4学时)
6. 心脏疾病的治疗技术进展  (2学时)
7. 心脏疾病的基础研究进展  (2学时)
8. 心脏疾病相关的慢病管理和政策措施  (2学时)
9. 远程医疗在心脏疾病中的应用  (2学时)
10. 有益心脏健康的生活方式改变—饮食、营养及运动  (2学时)
11. 心脏的中医保健与养生  (2学时)
教学评估 任景怡: