
课程号 21130009 学分 2
英文名称 Topics in Education in Rural China
中文简介 为了实现高中阶段教育的全面普及和减少年轻人失业率,我国和大多数国家一样,高中阶段教育都实行普通教育(普通高中)与职业教育(中等职业教育,简称“中职”)并行的“双轨”教育制度。两类教育在教育目标和教学内容上有很大的差异。到2020年底,我国即将实现高中阶段教育毛入学率达到90%的目标,中职招生约占高中阶段招生人数的40%左右。其中,农村学生占到中职学校学生的80%以上。中职人才培养质量不仅直接关系到教育公平,还对劳动力队伍的素质以及未来社会的稳定具有重要影响。
英文简介 In order to achieve generalization of senior secondary education and reduce the youth unemployment rate, China, like most countries, implements the "dual-track" education system comprised of general education and vocational education. There are great differences in both educational objectives and teaching content between the two tracks. By the end of this year, the enrollment rate of upper-secondary high school will be more than 90% in China. The upper-secondary vocational school enrollment accounts for about 40% of it. In upper-secondary vocational schools, over 80% of students are from rural areas. Therefore, the quality of upper-secondary vocational education is not only directly related to educational equity, but also has an important impact on the quality of the labor force and the stability of the future society.
It is noteworthy that upper-secondary vocational education is generally regarded as for “other people’s children” by students and parents in many countries including China. There are numbers of reasons for that, such as the limited career development prospects, poor education quality. Over the past decade, China has increased investment in vocational education to improve its quality. However, how effective are these policies? What lessons can the past practice provide for the future decision-making in vocational education development? There is little empirical evidence about that.
The goal of this course is to help learners who are interested in research on vocational education get familiar with the framework of policy impact evaluation, design their own researches , think critically, and act based on evidence. We also hope that this course helps to form a new culture about empirical research on education in China and more empirical researches on vocational education from China are visible internationally.
开课院系 现代农学院(筹)
授课语言 中文
教学大纲 本课程将给学生们介绍我国农村学前教育、基础教育和高中阶段教育中存在的问题,带领学生分析问题的根源,一起探索可能的解决方法。目标是通过这些定义问题——分析影响因素——探索解决之道的反复实践,帮助学生们掌握描述问题、以及运用基本的经济学知识分析这些问题、以及运用创新性思维去解决这些问题的基本能力。
1、 经济发展、城乡教育差距与我国农村教育面临的挑战(2个学时)
2、 学前教育专题:输在起跑线上?(2个学时)
3、 农村小学生营养、健康与学业表现 (2个学时)
4、 农村小学生阅读素养现状及国际比较(2个学时)
5、 加强教师队伍建设,提高学生学业表现(6个学时)
a) 教师培训对农村公立小学学生学业表现的影响研究
b) 教师培训对北京市打工子弟学校学生学业表现的影响研究
c) 教师绩效工资改革对农村公立小学学生学业表现的影响研究
6、 农村初中学生辍学现状、根源及解决办法(6个学时)
a) 辍学现状及原因分析
b) 如何减少农村初中学生辍学
i. 有条件的现金转移支付
ii. 社交技能与情绪管理课程
7、 基本普及高中阶段教育:农村学生高中教育现状、问题与解决办法(8个学时)
a) 高中阶段教育选择:普高,还是中职?
b) 事先资助承诺对农村学生高中入学率及高中毕业率的影响研究
c) 普通高中免费对贫困地区农村学生高中入学率的影响研究
d) 中等职业学校质量提升政策(示范校建设、双师型教师队伍建设等)对中职人才培养质量的影响评估研究
8、 流动,留守?——农村家庭的两难选择及其对学生学业的影响(2个学时)
9、 学生提交研究方案-课堂报告(2个学时)
(1) 课堂报告(30%):以小组为单位,完成课堂报告。报告者可适当加分。
(2) 课堂讨论(30%):整个课程个人参与课堂讨论不应少于一次。
(3) 研究方案(40%):以小组为单位围绕农村教育问题提交一个研究方案,包括研究的问题、文献述评、研究的目标和方法。最后一次课上用PPT报告该研究方案。
教学评估 易红梅: