
课程号 30340066 学分 2
英文名称 Understanding China:  From Its Media, Communication and Culture
先修课程 College/university students from any descipline, with some knowledge of China and its history, who intend to have a closer look and deeper understanding of modern China, the society, and the people.
中文简介 This course is an advanced introduction to Modern China by a scholar of communication, culture and the media. The purpose is to discover how heavily our habits are influenced by the culture that has shaped us as members of Chinese society, and how our communication acts, both interpersonal and through old and new media, help us to maintain or transform the society, as well as the system, in which we live. In the lectures we will use concrete examples, such as daily events, rather than abstract theoretical propositions to illustrate our arguments and our thoughts on how people communicate, on what they try to achieve through their communications, and above all, on what the socio-political and cultural consequences would be. However, this is not meant to be a  course devoted exclusively to China, and our classroom discussions will hopefully range much wider and take into account more comprehensive implications.

There are both required and recommended readings for each class. No book purchase needed. All the required texts (those highlighted in bold) will be available through PKU Summer School arrangements.

英文简介 This course is an advanced introduction to Modern China by a scholar of communication, culture and the media. The purpose is to discover how heavily our habits are influenced by the culture that has shaped us as members of Chinese society, and how our communication acts, both interpersonal and through old and new media, help us to maintain or transform the society, as well as the system, in which we live. In the lectures we will use concrete examples, such as daily events, rather than abstract theoretical propositions to illustrate our arguments and our thoughts on how people communicate, on what they try to achieve through their communications, and above all, on what the socio-political and cultural consequences would be. However, this is not meant to be a  course devoted exclusively to China, and our classroom discussions will hopefully range much wider and take into account more comprehensive implications.

There are both required and recommended readings for each class. No book purchase needed. All the required texts (those highlighted in bold) will be available through PKU Summer School arrangements.

开课院系 北京大学教务部
授课语言 英文
教学大纲 This course is an advanced introduction to Modern China by a scholar of communication, culture and the media. The purpose is to discover how heavily our habits are influenced by the culture that has shaped us as members of Chinese society, and how our communication acts, both interpersonal and through old and new media, help us to maintain or transform the society, as well as the system, in which we live. In the lectures we will use concrete examples, such as daily events, rather than abstract theoretical propositions to illustrate our arguments and our thoughts on how people communicate, on what they try to achieve through their communications, and above all, on what the socio-political and cultural consequences would be. However, this is not meant to be a  course devoted exclusively to China, and our classroom discussions will hopefully range much wider and take into account more comprehensive implications.
Session 1:
Peking University and Modern China: Revolution as a Collective Memory
Session 2:
Story of Chinese Media: From Revolution to Evolution
Session 3:
Food, Communication and the Chinese Culture
Session 4:Picturing China: The Interaction of Media and U.S.-China Relations Title
Session 5:Media Events and China’s Image: the Case of Beijing Olympics
Session 6:Persuasion: How Intercultural Communication Fails
Session 7:The Chinese Way to Achieve Happiness
Participation and discussion constitute a central part in this course. Attendance is mandatory. Students are expected to complete all required readings and to actively participate in class discussion. Absence without legitimate reasons will lead to deduction in scores for participation and discussion, and in extreme cases, may lead to a student’s failure in the course.
Each student is expected to write a short memo (1-2 pages) which briefly summarizes and critiques required texts for a particular session. Memos and presentations will count toward scores in participation. The student should circulate the memo to other students and the instructor before class, and then make a 5-7 minute presentation in class, which is followed by class discussion.
Three parts of the evaluation will be calculated as follows:
Participation and discussion 30%
Presentation and critique 20%
Paper(s)  50%
教学评估 龚文庠: