
课程号 00430170 学分 2
英文名称 An Introduction to Distance Measurement in Astronomy
先修课程 Stellar structure and evolution, galaxies, cosmology (minimum 2 years of completed undergraduate coursework in astrophysics)
中文简介 在天体物理研究中,距离测量起着关键性的作用: 不知道准确的天体距离,我们就无法得知这个天体的亮度、大小,甚至不知道它是何时产生的(对远距离天体来说)。但是,如何测量天体的距离却是一个很具有挑战性的工作:直到1838年,科学家才第一次测量出另一颗恒星离我们的距离,而对于离我们最近的河外星系,则是到了二十世纪50年代才首次得出准确的距离。这并不令人感到惊讶:我们虽然可以对太阳系中的天体进行精确的距离测量,可一旦超出太阳系,大部分距离的测量依赖于推论出的所研究天体的物理性质,因此这种测量具有根本上的不确定性。而想要研究关于整个宇宙的年龄和大小以及其未来的演化这种最基本的问题却又要求我们必须对星系尺度或更远天体的距离进行准确测量。从这一似乎令人感到无望的起点,现代天文学家发展了各种测距方法,从常规的技术(如类似航海者使用的经纬仪)到奇特的手段(广义相对论中的光线偏折,微波背景辐射谱的振荡行为),从而引领我们从最近的恒星走向最遥远的星系。
英文简介 Knowing the distance of an astrophysical object is key to understanding it: without an accurate distance, we do not know how bright it is, how large it is, or even (for long distances) when it existed.  But astronomical distance measurement is a challenging task: we measured the first distance to another star as recently as 1838, and accurate distances to other galaxies – even the nearest – date only to the 1950s.  This is not really surprising, since while we can determine highly accurate distances to objects in our Solar System, once we leave the immediate environment of our Sun, most distance measurements depend on inferred physical properties of the object in question, and are therefore fundamentally uncertain. At the same time, accurate distance measurements on scales of galaxies and beyond are crucial to get a handle on even the most basic questions related to the age and size of the Universe as a whole – and to its future evolution. Yet, from this unpromising starting point, modern astronomers have developed methods of measuring distances which can take us from the nearest star to the most distant galaxy, using techniques which vary from the mundane (the astronomical equivalent of the surveyor’s theodolite) to the exotic (the bending of light in general relativity, wiggles in the spectrum of the cosmic microwave background).

In this course we take the students on a journey from the solar neighbourhood to the edge of the Universe in 30 lecture hours, exploring on the way the various methods employed to define the milestones along the road. We will emphasise the physical basis of the methods, leading the students towards an appreciation of the somewhat surprising fact that modern techniques, however apparently esoteric, do actually work and give reasonably consistent results. We aim to provide a snapshot of the field of distance measurement, offering not only up-to-date results and an account of recent progress, but also full discussion of the pitfalls encountered and the uncertainties which remain. Although our focus is techniques of distance determination, this is intimately linked to many other aspects of astrophysics and cosmology. On our journey we shall encounter stars of all types, alone, in pairs and in clusters, their life cycles, and their explosive ends; the stellar content, dynamics, and evolution of galaxies; the gravitational bending of starlight; and the expansion, geometry and history of the Universe.  As a result, this course will offer not only a comprehensive study of distance measurement, but a tour of many recent advances in astrophysics.

The intention is to present a level of detail appropriate for senior undergraduate students in the physical sciences. Where appropriate, more technical details will be discussed, making the course a useful reference for post-graduate students as well. Students are strongly encouraged to actively participate, by raising questions and contributing to discussions. Their understanding will be evaluated regularly through discussions and homework assignments. In addition, each student will explore a pre-assigned astronomy-related topic in detail, and write a 3000-word essay. The homework contributes 40% to the final grade, the essay will contribute 40% and class attendance and participation contribute 20%.
开课院系 物理学院
授课语言 英文
教材 Galactic Dynamics,Binney & Tremaine,Princeton University Pres,1987;
An Introduction to Distance Measurement in Astronomy,Richard de Grijs,Wiley-Blackwell,2011;
Galactic Astronomy,Binney & Merrifield,Princeton University Press,1998;
教学大纲 The course “An Introduction to Distance Measurement in Astronomy” (天文测距介绍) is aimed at senior undergraduate and post-graduate students who have completed at least two years of coursework in astrophysics or related fields. The understanding of the students will be regularly evaluated through discussions and homework assignments. In addition, each student will explore a pre-assigned related topic in detail and write a 3000-word essay. The homework contributes 30% to the final grade, the essay will contribute 50%, and class attendance and participation contribute 20%.

The course will be taught in English, and all discussions and assignments will be in English. The final essay must be in English.
I propose to give this course for the first time during the spring semester of 2012 (I am unavailable during the autumn semester of 2011), for a minimum of 3–5 years. The lecture series will be organised as follows (following the outline of the textbook associated with the course):
Week 1: Introduction
Weeks 2–3: Local (mostly geometric) methods
Weeks 4–7: Stellar structure and evolution
Weeks 6–8: Galaxies
Weeks 9–11: Cosmology
Weeks 12–13: Statistics
Weeks 14–15: The future
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