
课程号 00432265 学分 2
英文名称 Modern Astronomy
先修课程 本课程没有先修课程要求
中文简介 天文学是自然科学中一门最古老的学科,它的起源甚至可以上溯到远古时代。随着人们对自然界认识的发展和算术、几何知识的应用,天文学最终从原始的宗教、信仰中脱离出来。随着亚里士多德、哥白尼、牛顿、爱因斯坦、哈勃,一代代哲学、科学巨匠,一个个划时代理论的提出,今天的天文已经发展成为一门成熟的学科体系。


英文简介 Astronomy is the oldest of all of the natural sciences, and its origins are bound up in ancient religious, mythological, and astrological practices. Through the ages, enlightening discoveries by masterminds, such as Aristotle, Copernicus, Newton, Einstein, and Hubble, have transformed astronomy into a modern science.
Nowadays, astronomers use powerful Earth- and space-based telescopes, interplanetary missions, and supercomputers to delve into the secrets of the Universe. Despite these fundamental changes in the science of Astronomy, astronomers still focus on answering the “big questions” that have occupied mankind for centuries, such as “Where does the Universe come from?”, “What is the fate of the Earth and of our Sun?” and “Is there life elsewhere in the Universe?”
This course will provide students with an overview of astronomical research covering a wide range of topics, including the history of astronomy, the planets in our solar system, the birth, life and death of stars, black holes, galaxies, the Big Bang theory, cosmology, the search for extraterrestrial life, and space exploration. Hope that after this course, the students, especially the students with no-physics background, can understand the basic concepts in astronomy and can learn the recent progress in astronomy research.
开课院系 物理学院
通选课领域 a
授课语言 中文
教材 The Backyard Astronomer`s Guide,Dickinson & Dyer,Firefly Books,2008;
Foundations of Astronomy,Seeds & Blackman,Brooks/Cole Publishing Company,2010;
The Fontana History of Astronomy and Cosmology,North,Fontana Press,1994;
XTL: Extraterrestrial life and how to find it,Goodwin & Gribbin,Cassell,2002;
A brief history of time. From the Big Bang to Black Holes,Hawking,Bantam Dell Publishing Group,1998;
Understanding Cosmology,Fritz,Warner Books,2002;
Modern Astrophysics,Carroll & Ostlie,Addison-Wesley,1996;
The essential Cosmic Perspective,Bennett, donahue, Schneider & Voit,Addison-Wesley,2005;
Bad Astronomy: Misconceptions and Misuses Revealed, From Astrology to the Moon Landing “Hoax”,Plait,John Wiley & Sons,2002;
Astronomy Today Vol 1: The Solar System,Chaisson & McMillan,Addison-Wesley,2008;
教学大纲 ``
Astronomy is the oldest of all of the natural sciences, and its origins are bound up in ancient religious, mythological, and astrological practices. Through the ages, enlightening discoveries by masterminds, such as Aristotle, Copernicus, Newton, Einstein, and Hubble, have transformed astronomy into a modern science.
Nowadays, astronomers use powerful Earth- and space-based telescopes, interplanetary missions, and supercomputers to delve into the secrets of the Universe. Despite these fundamental changes in the science of Astronomy, astronomers still focus on answering the “big questions” that have occupied mankind for centuries, such as “Where does the Universe come from?”, “What is the fate of the Earth and of our Sun?” and “Is there life elsewhere in the Universe?”
This course will provide students with an overview of astronomical research covering a wide range of topics, including the history of astronomy, the planets in our solar system, the birth, life and death of stars, black holes, galaxies, the Big Bang theory, cosmology, the search for extraterrestrial life, and space exploration.
The course 现代天文学 will be taught in the form of a lecture series. Students are strongly encouraged to actively participate in the lectures, by raising questions and contributing to discussions.
The understanding of the students will be evaluated regularly through discussions and homework assignments. In addition, each student will explore an assigned astronomy-related topic in detail, and write a 3000-word essay.
The homework contributes 30% to the final grade. The essay will contribute 50% to the final grade, and class attendance and participation contribute 20%.
教学评估 王然: