
课程号 03531047 学分 3
英文名称 Public Italian (1)
先修课程 n/a
中文简介 为零基础本科生开设4学时的公共意大利语
英文简介 This is a course on Italian language with notions of Italian history and culture taught through communicative methods. There will therefore be a stronger focus on communication, and grammar will mainly be learned through the use of language in class rather than just by learning normative grammar rules.
开课院系 外国语学院
授课语言 其它语言
教材 “Il Balboni. Corso comunicativo di italiano per stranieri. Livello A1”,Paolo E. Balboni,Loescher,2016;
教学大纲 This is a course on Italian language with notions of Italian history and culture taught through communicative methods. There will therefore be a stronger focus on communication, and grammar will mainly be learned through the use of language in class rather than just by learning normative grammar rules.
For this reason, it is very important that students buy an Italian-Chinese (or English-Italian for those confident with English) dictionary and carry it always with them from the very first lesson. Any edition will be fine.
Lesson 1: Introduction to the course, alphabet, phonetics part 1, greetings, first two persons of the verb “essere” (to be)

Lesson 2: Review of the previous contents, phonetics part 2, singular of verb “essere” and verb “chiamarsi” (to be called), the first verbal conjugation “-are”, nationalities and introduction to adjectives

Lesson 3: gender, singular and plural of nouns, concurrence nouns-adjectives, numbers 1 to 10

Lesson 4: How are you?, verb “stare”, plural of verb “essere”, singular determinative article

Lesson 5: review, numbers 10 to 20, introduction to formal and informal dialogues, conjugation of verbs “-are” and “-ere”

Lesson 6: verb “avere” plus “ce l’ho”, “c’è/ci sono” (there is, there are), verb “dare” (to give), interrogative pronouns

Lesson 7: first test, plural determinative article, third conjugation, numbers up to 30, recitations

Lesson 8: verb “fare” (to do) and “sapere” (to know, can), date, hours

Lesson 9: review of regular verbs and recitations on verbs, verb “andare” (to go) and introduction to preposition, numbers up to 100

Lesson 10: indeterminate article, modal verbs, possessive adjectives

Lesson 11: parts of the body, to describe someone, adjective “questo” (this), review adjectives and concurrence with nouns,  concurrence of “molto” with adjective

Lesson 12: to ask information, thematic lexicon, review simple prepositions and introduction to articled prepositions

Lesson 13: to invite/accept/refuse, colors, days of the week and dates, numbers up to one billion

Lesson 14: to describe the house and furniture, adverbs of location, verb “abitare” (to dwell), introduction to irregular verbs

Lesson 15: second test, “what time is it” and “what time to do something”, review of prepositions

Lesson 16: reflective verbs, daily actions, possessive adjectives (all forms), review of numbers

Lesson 17: “uscire” (to go out), “venire” (to come), and other common irregular verbs, partitive article, thematic lexicon

Lesson 18: situational use of language (buying food at the supermarket), quantities, ordinal numbers

Lesson 19: irregular nouns, thematic lexicon on food and restaurants, how to order food

Lesson 20: recitations, “mi piace, mi piacciono” (to like), review of the previous contents

Lesson 21: third test, seminar

Lesson 22: future simple, weather, “anche a me/nemmeno”

Lesson 23:  futuro anteriore (past future)

Lesson 24: seminar
This course will take place in the first academic term, and will consists of two hour classes, twice a week, for a total of 16 weeks. The main part of the course will focus on providing the students with the basics linguistic skills needed to communicate in familiar contexts, understand basic phrases told clearly and slowly, read simple words and texts, write informal short letters and fill in forms with personal details. This roughly corresponds to mastering the A1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Students will also learn notions of Italian history and culture through ad hoc seminars, which will be held within the regular teaching hours starting from the second half of the course, for which readings in either English or simple Italian language will be distributed during the class.
The final grade will be calculated by the arithmetic sum of four partial written tests, and one final oral exam that will focus also on those aspects of the Italian civilization learned during the seminars. Further details on the exams will be provided in class.
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