
课程号 03835530 学分 2
英文名称 Important Documents in American History: A Selected Reading
中文简介 当(作为外语的)英语学习进行到较高阶段,在进一步掌握语言知识和技能之外,学生还需要更深入地了解目的语国家的文化历史背景。本课程的设置即针对这些学生的要求。本课程摘选美国历史上最为重要的一些文献,按时间先后顺序依次予以介绍,以期学生对美国在其历史发展中形成的一些重要思想和理念有一个比较系统的、框架式的初步了解。同时,因为是英语课(将英语作为外语来学习),本课程也有针对语言难点的讲解和练习。本课程适合那些有一定英语基础并希望通过英语文献原文阅读加深对美国历史文化了解的学生。
英文简介 When students have entered a more advanced stage of English learning, they feel a need to understand better the cultural and historical backgrounds of the target language besides grasping more language points or skills. This course is meant to serve the need of these students. This course has selected some of the most important documents in American history for students to read and think about so that they’ll have a deeper understanding of some of the key concepts and values that gradually formed in the course of the nation’s history. What’s more, since this course is an English course (learning English as a foreign language), it will also try to help students deal with their language problems and enhance their language abilities.
开课院系 英语语言文学系
授课语言 英文
教材 A Basic History of the United States,Clarence B,American Textbook Committee,2001;
An Outline of American History,Howard Cincotta,US Information Agency,1994;
The American Nation (Vol.1 & 2),John A. Garraty,Harper Collins,1995;
教学大纲 1)通过学习本课程学生将对美国历史发展中形成的一些重要思想和理念有初步了解。
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: The Colonial Period: “Mayflower Compact” + “A Model of Christian Charity”
Lecture 3: The War of Independence (1): except from T. Paine’s “Common Sense”
Lecture 4: The War of Independence (2): T. Jefferson: “Declaration of Independence”
Lecture 5: The Formation of a National Government (1): Federalist and antifederalist papers
Lecture 6: The Formation of a National Government (2): Constitution + Bill of Rights
Lecture 7: The Young Republic (1): except of H. D. Thoreau’s “On Civil Disobedience”  
Lecture 8: The Young Republic (2): A Declaration of Women’s Rights at Seneca Falls
Lecture 9: Mid-term Exam
Lecture 10: Civil War and Reconstruction (1): The Ordeal of Reconstruction
Lecture 11: Civil War and Reconstruction (2): “What the Black Man Wants” by F. Douglas
Lecture 12: Andrew Carnegie: “The Gospel of Wealth”
Lecture 13: Frederick. J. Turner: “The Significance of the Frontier”
Lecture 14: Albert Beveridge: “America’s Destiny”
Lecture 15: Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka
Lecture 16: John F. Kennedy: “The Civil Rights Speech”