
课程号 03930050 学分 3
英文名称 Public English (3)
中文简介 本课程使用的教材为《新概念英语2》。该课程旨在巩固学生高中所学的英语语法和词汇基础上,进一步提升他们的英语综合能力,尤其是英语阅读能力。要求学生累积掌握词汇达约2500个,能够以每分钟180个单词的速度进行快速阅读,并能够在半小时内写出一篇120词左右、内容比较连贯且语法基本正确的短文。此外,通过学习本课程,学生能增强跨文化意识与思辩能力,培养自主学习习惯,为之后的英语学习打好基础。
英文简介 课程英文简介(请务必填写)
This course, with New Concept English 2 as the core textbook, is intended to help students to strengthen what they have learned before in terms of English grammar and vocabulary and to improve their comprehensive English competence, focusing on increasing their reading abilities. Students are expected to fulfill the targeted vocabulary goal of about 2,500 words, to reach a fast reading speed of 180 words per minute, and to be able to produce a short and presentable essay of about 120 words in half an hour. This course also serves to raise students’ cross-cultural awareness, develop their ability to think in English, cultivate their autonomous learning habit and help them move on to more advanced English study.
Students are required to do preview as well as revision work for each of the lessons selected from the core textbook. And they are asked to spend at least 2 hours each week working on the online platform, doing exercises of all kinds, and making the best use of the learning materials there. In class, the teacher’s work involves explaining language points, paraphrasing difficult sentences, expanding students’ background knowledge as well as checking on students’ progress. In order to reinforce what students have learnt, the teacher conducts periodic checks in class. As part of their classroom performance, students are also required to carry out discussions in groups and do presentations either individually, in pairs or in groups.
开课院系 外国语学院
授课语言 英文
教材 新概念英语3,亚历山大 (L.G. Alexander) 何其莘,外语教学与研究出版社,1997;
教学大纲 通过听说读写译等各项技能的训练,逐步提高个人英语交际的能力。
每周4学时。采用《新概念英语》(第三册) (New Concept English Book Three作为主讲教材,每次课都增加一定量的课外听力和口语。
总成绩=期末成绩(卷面70分)+ 平时成绩(30分,其中考勤10分,平时测试15分,课堂表现5分)
教学评估 于龙珠: