
课程号 02101733 学分 2
英文名称 Introduction to Classical Syriac
中文简介 作为历史上和现今诸多叙利亚教会所使用的礼拜语言,特别作为自唐代以来传入中国的叙利亚东方教会(即传统所谓聂思脱里派)所使用语言,古典叙利亚语具有特殊的重要性。叙利亚语一方面是神学相关研究,如圣经研究、教父研究、礼拜仪式研究、景教研究的重要辅助工具,另一方面则是一个文化桥梁:在九世纪的巴格达翻译运动中,诸多古希腊经典曾被先翻译为古典叙利亚语,而后被从古典叙利亚语翻译为阿拉伯语。叙利亚语在当时是希腊与阿拉伯文化传递的桥梁,在今日则是我们重新认识希腊与阿拉伯文化的桥梁。本课程将从零基础系统讲授古典叙利亚语语法。
英文简介 As a liturgical language used in historical and current Syriac churches, classical Syriac is of special importance to many different research areas. On the one hand it has long been seen as an important adjunct to relevant theological fields like Biblical Studies, Patristic Studies, Liturgical Studies and Studies of Syriac Christianity in China, on the other hand it is the so-called bridge culture: In the Baghdad translation movement in the ninth century, many Greek philosophical and scientific texts have been translated first from Greek into Syriac and only then from Syriac into Arabic. Just as at that time Syriac was a bridge for the Arabs to understand the Greeks, it is now a bridge for us to understand both the Greek and Arabic culture. This course is designed to familiarize students with basic grammar of classical Syriac.
开课院系 历史学系
授课语言 中文
教材 Syrische Grammatik (提供部分汉译),Arthur Ungnad,München,1913,Robinson's Paradigms and Exercises in Syriac Grammar,J. F. Coakley,Oxford,2013,
参考书 1;
教学大纲 使选课同学系统掌握古典叙利亚语语法,并初步具备阅读原文的能力。
第1周 Introduction; The Script and Pronunciation
第2周 Pronouns
第3周 Nouns and Adjectives
第4周 Pronominal Suffixes and Prepositions
第5周 Regular Verbs: Tenses and Moods
第6周 Regular Verbs: Stems
第7周 Weak Verbs 1
第8周 Weak Verbs 2
第9周 Verbs with Suffixes
第10周 Prepositions, Adverbs and Other Word Classes
第11周 停课
第12周 The Estrangela Script, East Syriac Writing and Phonology
第13周 文本选读1:Genesis I
第14周 文本选读2: 敦煌写本《大秦景教三威蒙度赞》叙语原文 Gloria in Excelsis Deo
第15周 文本选读3:Barhebraeus, Aristotelian Rhetoric in Syriac
第16 周 期末考试
期末笔试成绩占总成绩50% 。
教学评估 林丽娟: