
课程号 02132600 学分 2
英文名称 The Silk Road: A Global history
中文简介 本课程以公元前500年至公元1500年之间的丝绸之路的历史为背景,特别探讨以下问题:如何从全球史的视角来审视陆地与海上丝绸之路的变迁和特点,波斯、希腊、中华、印度、阿拉伯和蒙古等在丝绸之路历史上扮演了怎样的关键角色,如何通过欧亚文明的交汇来认识中国文化的发展,近代以来丝绸之路研究与西方帝国主义扩张的关系。此课程也帮助学生认识丝绸之路的文化历史遗产在今日世界的意义。课程的教学资料将体现中外考古与学术的新成果,课程阅读也采用近二十年来出版的用英文撰写的优秀学术论著,在介绍丝绸之路历史的同时也介绍当下全球史研究的一些基本方法和视角,使学生能通过这一课程的学习领略到史学研究的新方法。课程通过讲课和讨论相结合的方式,使学生能更积极参与到教学中来,同时也将强化学生的英文学术阅读和写作能力。
英文简介 This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the cultural and material exchanges among the major civilizations along the Silk Road. It covers the period between the 2nd and the 15th centuries CE, during which the forces wielded by the Persians, the Chinese, The Greeks, the Indians, the Arabs and the Mongols shaped the geopolitical landscape of the vast region that spreads from the Caspian Sea to the Gobi Desert. Students will explore the role of the Silk Road in the formation of the religious and ethnic identities of these civilizations, as well as their perceptions towards one other. Through the study of refreshing and up-to-date visual and course readings, the students will explore crosscultural phenomenon such as Sogdian burial practice, Arab accounts of Tang China, Nestorian Christianity at the Mongol court, and influence of Marco Polo in the Latin West. The course will begin and conclude with discussion of the contemporary significance of the Silk Road as a historical category.

开课院系 历史学系
授课语言 英文
教材 The Silk Roads: A Brief History with Documents,Xinru Liu,Bedford/St. Martin's,2012,Islamic Central Asia: An Anthology of Historical Sources,Scott C. Levi & Ron Sela,Indiana U Press,2010,Foreign Devils on the Silk Road,Peter Hopkirk,John Murry,2006;
The Silk Road: A New History with Documents,Valerie Hansen,Oxford,2017;
The Silk Road: A Very Short Introduction,James A. Millward,Oxford,2013;
The Travels of Marco Polo,Penguin Classics,1958;
By Steppe, Desert, and Ocean: The Birth of Eurasia,Barry W. Cunliffe,Oxford,2015;
The Mongols and Global History,Morris Rossabi,W. W. Norton & Company,2010,
教学大纲 在介绍丝绸之路丰富历史的同时也介绍当下全球史研究的一些基本方法和视角,使学生能通过这一课程的学习领略到史学研究的新方法。课程通过讲课和讨论相结合的方式,使学生能更积极参与到教学中来,同时也将强化学生的英文学术阅读、表达和写作能力。


Part 1
The Great Game and the Modern Discovery of the Silk Road Civilization
Steppe, Ch. 1?
?*Stein, "By the Desert Edge of Khotan" and “The Shrine of Khadalik?
?*Hedin, "I approach the Desert," “Sand Sea,” and "I discovered 2000-Year Old Cities in the Desert"?

The Chinese Origins of the Silk Road
Steppe, Ch. 7: 266-280?
*Boulnois, Ch. 3: “Adventures of a Diplomat-Explorer” and Ch. 4: “The Power of a Kingdom Rests with its Horses,” 59-85?
?*Beginnings of Relations with the Hsiung-nu?
?*The Mission to the West by Zhang Qian?
?*A Chinese Memorial Discussing Strategy of the Building and Maintaining of the Great Wall?
?*Ta-yuan [Ta-wan] (Ferghana)"?

Part 2
Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic East (Map quiz 1)
Steppe, Ch. 6, 203-220?
?Documents, 4. Strabo and 5. Arrian?
?*Arrian: Speech of Alexander the Great?
*Afghanistan: Hidden Treasure from the National Museum, Kabul (Website) *?
?Manning & Renfrew, “At the Limits: Long-Distance Trade in the Time of Alexander the Great and The Hellenistic Kings,” In Reconfiguring The Silk Road, 5–14?
?Lerner, Jeffrey D. 1998. “Ptolemy and the Silk Road: From Baktra Basileion to Sera Metropolis.” East and West 48 (1/2): 9–25.?
*Liu, Silk Road in World History, Ch. 3: “The Kushan Empire and Buddhism,” pp. 42-61?

Part 3
The Indian Factor
Arrian, The Indica, translated by Martin Hammond.  

?*Ashoka, King of Behar: The Rock Edicts, c. 257 BCE?
?*The Questions of King Milinda (r. 165-130BCE)?
?* Buddhist Scriptures: "Founding of the Monastic Order," "Founding of the Order of Nuns," and “A Mahayana View of the Buddha”?
?*The Bodhisattva`s Infinite Compassion?

Part 4
Trade and Culture of the Oasis
New History, Ch. 1: The Kingdom of Kroraina, 38-76?
?*Notes on the Western Region: "Shan Shan"?
?*Stein, "at the Niya Site Ruins"?
?New History, 11: Local Life in a Silk Road Community, 83-93?

World Religions and the Age of Empires
Religions, Ch. 3: “Buddhism and the Silk Road”; Ch. 4: “Nestorians and Manichaeans on the Silk Road,” pp. 61-87
New History, Ch.1: “The Kingdom of Kroraina”; Ch.2: “Kucha and the Caves of Kizil,” pp. 56-82.

Part 5
The Golden Age of the Silk Road
New History, Ch. 4: “Samarkand and Sogdiana,” Ch. 5: “Historic Chang’an” & Ch. 6: “The Dunhuang Caves,” pp. 141-198.  

Part 6
The Arab Conquest of the Silk Road (Map quiz 2)
*Boulnois, Silk Road, Ch. 14: “The World Marketplace of Sinbad the Sailor,” pp. 279-310?
?Documents, pp. 26-28; Pieces #25, 26, 28, 30 and 31?
?Anthropological Theory- Ibn Battuta?
Religions, Ch. 4: “The Islamization of the Silk Road.”

Oceanic Silk Road
Steppe, Ch. 9, 360-369; Ch. 10: 388-393?
*Boulnois, Silk Road, Ch. 14: “The World Marketplace of Sinbad the Sailor,” pp. 279-310?
?Documents, pp. 26-28; Pieces #25, 26, 28, 30 and 31?
?Anthropological Theory- Ibn Battuta?
?Daryaee, “The Persian Gulf Trade in Late Antiquity,” Journal of World History 14.1 (2003): 1–16.?

Part 7
The Coming of the Mongols and the age of Marco Polo (Map quiz 3)
*Biran, Chinggis Khan, Ch. 1: “Asia, The Steppe and the Islamic World on the Eve of the Mongols,” pp. 6-26?
Steppe, Ch. 11, 417-435?
Religions, Ch. 6: “Ecumenical Mischief,” pp. 111-134?

*Boulnois, Silk Road, Ch. 15: “Oriente Poliano,” pp. 311-352?
Steppe, Ch. 11, 442-448?
*Marco Polo, The Travels of Marco Polo, in Foundations of Anthropological Theory, pp. 73-84
History, Ch. 6: “The Mongols and the Twilight of the Silk Road,” pp. 109-126

Part 8
From Istanbul to Beijing: Early Globalization
*Islamic Central Asia: Historical Sources, Part 3.A: Temujin and the Rise of Mongol Empire

One Belt One Road: The Modern Revival of the Silk Road
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