
课程号 02535290 学分 2
英文名称 Research on Quantitative History
先修课程 经济学原理
中文简介 中文简介:
英文简介 英文简介(Course Description):
Most of the existing historical researches, due to the absence of rigorous logical inference with statistical methods such as solid empirical evidence, only produce speculative conclusions on causal relationships behind historical facts. Thus, even though qualitative research method dominates the field of modern historical research, its weakness in deriving general theory is obvious.
To locate and analyze the primary evidence is only the start of the historical research process, the ultimate goal of every historical research should be to derive illuminating patterns and general truths that enable us to make sense of the present in terms of the past, and the past in terms of the present.
In this course, we will explore various social, cultural, and political processes and their implications for today’s economy and society with scientific method. By analyzing these historical processes, we would be able to better grasp the origins and the repeating patterns of the long-term development of the human society.
开课院系 经济学院
授课语言 中英双语
教学大纲 希望从历史经历中领悟到、学到一般性的道理,学到对现时和未来人类社会都有价值的规律知识。本课程立足于用社会科学的方法分析历史变迁,由此探寻人类社会长期发展的源流和脉络,阐释历史演变的规律,并为今天的经济、社会发展和经济政策提供某些借鉴。

July 2: Lectures: 中国历史上的基础设施与经济发展
10:10-11:00  管汉晖 (北京大学)
11:10-12:00 管汉晖 (北京大学)

July 2: Lectures:中国历史上的市场一体化与经济发展
14:00-14:50  管汉晖 (北京大学)
15:00-15:50  管汉晖 (北京大学)

July 3: Lectures: Essays in International Finance
10:10-11:00   Christopher M. Meissner (UC Davis)
11:10-12:00  Christopher M. Meissner (UC Davis)

14:00-14:50  Christopher M. Meissner (UC Davis)
15:00-15:50  Christopher M. Meissner (UC Davis)

July 4: Lectures: Essays in International Trade
10:10-11:00   Christopher M. Meissner (UC Davis)
11:10-12:00  Christopher M. Meissner (UC Davis)

14:00-14:50  Christopher M. Meissner (UC Davis)
15:00-15:50  Christopher M. Meissner (UC Davis)

July5:  Lectures: Globalization in 19 Century
10:10-11:00   Christopher M. Meissner (UC Davis)
11:10-12:00  Christopher M. Meissner (UC Davis)

14:00-14:50 Christopher M. Meissner (UC Davis)
15:00-15:50 Christopher M. Meissner (UC Davis)

July 6: Lectures : Evolution of International Monetary System
10:10-11:00   Christopher M. Meissner (UC Davis)
11:10-12:00  Christopher M. Meissner (UC Davis)

14:00-14:50 Christopher M. Meissner (UC Davis)
15:00-15:50 Christopher M. Meissner (UC Davis)

July 9: Lectures: Economic History of Modern Janpan
10:10-11:00  Christopher M. Meissner (UC Davis)
11:10-12:00  Christopher M. Meissner (UC Davis)

14:00-14:50 Christopher M. Meissner (UC Davis)
15:00-15:50 Christopher M. Meissner (UC Davis)

July 10: Lectures: Long Term Development of the American Economy
10:10-11:00  Christopher M. Meissner (UC Davis)
11:10-12:00  Christopher M. Meissner (UC Davis)

14:00-14:50 Christopher M. Meissner (UC Davis)
15:00-15:50 Christopher M. Meissner (UC Davis)
July 11: Lectures :中国官僚体系演变
10:10-11:00    管汉晖 (北京大学)
11:10-12:00  管汉晖 (北京大学)

July 12: Lectures:中国货币史专题
14:00-14:50  管汉晖 (北京大学)
15:00-15:50  管汉晖 (北京大学)
教学评估 管汉晖: