
课程号 12631120 学分 2
英文名称 The Practice of Remote Sensing Application
先修课程 选课同学先修《遥感基础与图像解译原理》和自然地理,人文地理的相关课程,掌握遥感基础与图像解译原理的基础知识与自然地理的专业相关基础知识,适合于环境、生态、地貌与自然地理、土地利用,城乡规划等相关专业遥感应用的各层次学习。
中文简介 遥感科学的教学是高校地学专业中重要的内容,在以往的教学中多以遥感图像处理基本原理与图像处理方法为主,随堂开设的实验课对已图像处理方法的训练为主,限于课时和场地等原因对地理学科与遥感应用的相互联系与应用不多,因此学生在科学研究和毕业设计中缺少了如何应用的环节。
1) 洞察能力,通过对遥感图像与实习区域的总体认识,在教师的指导下学生对比区域遥感图像特征与地学现象的对比观测和讨论,培养学生发现科学问题的能力
2) 地学应用遥感技术的能力:通过遥感图像分析和相关仪器的测试,培养学生动手能力;并掌握利用遥感技术进行地学分析从面到点再到面的分析过程与思路。
3) 团队合作的能力:在实习中遥感图像识别、测试数据需要同学相互合作才能完成,从而增加学生之间相互讨论,促进交流,培养学生的团队合作精神,通过合作解决问题。
4) 数据处理与分析制图的能力:在实习中收集已有的区域数据,进行提取与解析,培养学生掌握地理数据与遥感数据处理方法和空间分析的能力,提高调查制图的能力,使学生了解大数据及人工智能信息识别的方法。

英文简介 Class Purpose:
By combining teaching and practice,students can improve their abilities as follows:
1. Discernment: With the guidance from teacher, students can get an overall understanding of remote sensing images and practice field and they can carry on a comparing observation and discussion by contrasting characteristics of regional remote sensing images with geo-phenomenon. Finally, they can improve their ability about finding scientific problems.
2. Application of remote sensing technology in geography: By learning how to analyze the remote sensing images and how to use related instruments, students can improve their hands-on ability and have a good command of how to use remote sensing technology to carry on a rigorous geo-analysis.
3. Teamwork: Students can’t finish their work of recognizing remote sensing images and testing data. Hence, the practice can promote the teamwork.
4. Writing ability: After the collection, testing and analysis of data, student should write the practice report following the criterion for scientific researches, which can improve their scientific thinking and abilities.
Prerequisite professional knowledge of remote sensing basics, image interpretation principles and physical geography are required for this course. It is suitable for the students of environment, ecology, geomorphology and physical geography, land use planning and other relevant majors to learn remote sensing applications from different aspects.
1.Comprehension of the remote sensing images in study area: We will introduce the regional geography and present the remote sensing images to students. During the field reasearch in the study area, GPS will be used to find the geolocation of mountains,hill sand,hill grassland and forest land. Those geolocations will be latterly labeled onto the remote sensing images, thereby comprehending the overall geographic pattern of the study area.
2.Field survey of the regional geomorphology: Based on foundation of part 1, we will conduct a further investigation to understand the remote sensing characteristics of various regional geomorphologies, including sand morphology, fluvial geomorphology (riverbed, flood plain and terrace), hill and mountain land. GPS location and comparison of remote sensing images will be used to interpret the regional geomorphology.
3.Measurement of the ground objects spectrum: We will use the spectrometer to measure and comprehend the spectral characteristics of different ground objects. After whiteboard calibration, data recording and data processing, the spectral information of different ground objects (grassland, shrub, forest, water, sand, built-up land) need to be collected to make further comparison on the spectral similarities and differences between them.
4.Remote sensing measurement of regional vegetation:We will observe the vegetation fraction, record the condition of vegetation coverage, and then calculate the rate vegetation coverage of different vegetation forms (grassland, bush and forest land). Remote sensing images and field data will be used calculate the rate of vegetation coverage and biomass. The performance of ecological restoration and degeneration will also be introduced.
5.Land use investigation:we will firstly obtain the land use condition with the remote sensing images of year 2016, and then compare it with the actual data measured by GIS collector to know the areal changes of typical regions. By doing that, students can monitor the changes of land use by remote sensing mapping.
6.Ancient city remote sensing surey. Using remote sensing, student understand the urban's layout,scale and characteristics. Combined with the historical geography and natural geographical, student learn to investigate the urban process from prosperty to decline using remote sensing.

开课院系 城市与环境学院
授课语言 中文
教材 遥感应用野外实习PPT课件,刘雪萍,郑成洋,蒙吉军,自编,2017-6,1;
教学大纲 课程基本目的:
2)实习仪器使用介绍, 仪器包括:GPS、GIS采集器、野外光谱仪。


3.地物光谱定点测量与数据处理 6学时:野外测量3学时,室内数据处理:3学时。认识地物具有不同的光谱特性,利用光谱仪测量地物光谱特性:白板定标、数据记录、数据处理;主要测量不同水质的水体、不同植被的光谱特征。从而了解水体环境质量与不同波段反射率的特征、联系与差异,了解区域环境生态的遥感特征。

4.区域植被遥感观测 4学时:调查样地乔木、灌木、草本植被群落结构,实地估算植被群落覆盖率,计算单位区域的植被生物量;对比遥感图像和野外实测采集的数据,核对调查区域植被覆盖率和生物量,编制实习基地植被生物量分布图。并反演到区域尺度上,了解生态退化表现和修复技术方案。

5.土地沙化调查 4学时:结合遥感图像了解土地沙化的多种形态和地貌特征。测量固定沙地、半固定沙地、


7. 区域地理地貌的实地调查4学时:包括沙地地貌形态,河流地貌的河床、河漫滩、阶地、圆形火山地貌等遥感特征,采用GPS定位和遥感图像对比的方法进行区域地貌解译。

8. 返回北京,进行数据处理与总结,撰写个人实习报告 4学时。