
课程号 18050120 学分 1
英文名称 Rescue and Treatment of Cardiovascular Emergencies
中文简介 数据显示,我国每年死于心脏性猝死的人数近55万。有效的心脏救治十分关键:在心脏骤停4分钟内,立即进行高质量的心脏按压和及时电除颤很可能挽救一条鲜活的生命;发生急性心肌梗死获得第一时间救治,能最大程度避免心肌坏死,降低病死率;突发心悸、黑矇、短暂意识丧失发生时正确处理,都能为后续医治奠定基础。怎奈常由于患者未及时诊治、目击者未能及时、有效施救,或其他种种因素所限,时间与生命常常失之交臂,医者扼腕而叹,如果能再多给些时间,临床的结果会是不一样的,可是医学的遗憾就是没有那么多的如果。
英文简介 Data have showed that the number of sudden deaths reaches nearly 550 thousand each year in China. The effective rescue and treatment of cardiac emergencies is critical. Cardiac compression with high quality and timely electric defibrillation within 4 minutes of cardiac arrest may save a life. Immediate treatment after occurrence of acute myocardial infarction will avoid myocardial necrosis and reduce mortality. Proper handling of sudden palpitation, syncope and loss of consciousness will provide an opportunity for the follow-up therapeutics. However, many lives lost due to the patient delay, witness delay, or other factors. The clinical outcome will be different if more time could be provided.

The rescue and treatment of cardiovascular emergency should be immediate. Therefore, Professor Chen Hong in Cardiology Department of Peking University People’s Hospital specially set up the summer courses “Rescue and Treatment of Cardiovascular Emergencies ”, including four units: rescue of sudden death, diagnosis and treatment of acute chest pain, recognition and treatment of arrhythmia, and management of syncope. The teaching form of each unit is: theory teaching and practice.

Hopefully, through the study of the summer course “Rescue and Treatment of Cardiovascular Emergencies”, students will master the bare-handed rescue of cardiac sudden death, and basic principle and procedure of rescue and treatment of cardiovascular emergencies.
开课院系 医学部教学办
授课语言 中文
教材 哈里森内科学手册(第18版),陈红,北京大学医学出版社,2015;
临床诊断学(八年制第3版),陈红,人民卫生出版社,2015,哈里森内科学手册(第18版),陈红,北京大学医学出版社,2015,Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine 19/E,DennisL.Kasper等,McGraw-Hill,2015,Myocardial Infarction: A Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease,David A Morrow,Elsevier Saunders,2016,Braunwald's Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine, Single Volume: Expert,Douglas L. Mann等,Elsevier Saunders,2014,Syncope: An Evidence-Based Approach,Michele Brignole,Springer,2014,Sudden death,H.E. Kulbertus,Springer,2011,First Aid and CPR Guide,American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons,Jones and Bartlett Publishers,2016,Cardiovascular Physiology Concepts,Richard E. Klabunde,Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,2011,医生的修炼,阿图?葛文德,浙江人民出版社,2015,
教学大纲 1  心脏性猝死的徒手急救
2  心血管急症的识别
3  心血管急症的处理原则
教学内容                                         学时分配 教学方式
冠心病的诊治进展和心脏病的介入治疗      4 理论授课
心肺复苏和心律失常的紧急处置                4 理论授课
短暂意识丧失诊治和肺栓塞防治                4 理论授课
实践及考试                                                4
教学评估 陈红: