
课程号 30340096 学分 3
英文名称 Arts of Chinese Traditional Performance
先修课程 Students who are interested in performing arts, both oriental and western, and their cultural and technical background, as well as Chinese language.

中文简介 本课程为英文授课。
英文简介 There are many forms of Chinese traditional performance. The styles vary significantly because of the various cultural background and dialect. In this course, a selection of Chinese performing art forms, such as Peking opera and other Chinese traditional operas, Quyi, Chinese folk songs, Chinese traditional music, Chinese dance, are introduced. They represent the philosophy and aesthetics of Chinese people. These Chinese art forms are also compared with western styles. Their cultural background and technical background (e.g., linguistic and acoustical aspects) are discussed.

开课院系 教务部
授课语言 英文
教学大纲 There are many forms of Chinese traditional performance. The styles vary significantly because of the various cultural background and dialect. In this course, a selection of Chinese performing art forms, such as Peking opera and other Chinese traditional operas, Quyi, Chinese folk songs, Chinese traditional music, Chinese dance, are introduced. They represent the philosophy and aesthetics of Chinese people. These Chinese art forms are also compared with western styles. Their cultural background and technical background (e.g., linguistic and acoustical aspects) are discussed.
(Depending on the schedule of the field trip/performance shows, the exact schedule and contents are subject to adjustment)
Session 1 (3 hours, Day 1 Morning):Introduction to Chinese traditional performance and overview of this course.Date: 7/16/2018.
【Assignments for this session】
Review of the lecture and viewing online resources of Chinese traditional performances are encouraged.
Session 2 and 3 (7 hours, Day 2 Morning and Afternoon):Peking opera.Date: 7/17/2018
【Assignments for this session】
Review of the lecture and viewing online resources of Peking opera performances are encouraged.
Session 4 (3 hours, Day 3 Morning):Chinese traditional operas.Date: 7/18/2018
【Assignments for this session】
Essay on Chinese traditional operas. Students can discuss some aspects of these operas. The main topics to be included is given in class.
Review of the lecture and viewing online resources of Chinese traditional opera performances are encouraged.
Session 5 (3 hours, Day 4 Morning):Pitch and melody, loudness and dynamics, timbre, and temperament.Date: 7/19/2018
【Assignments for this session】
Review of the lecture is encouraged.
Session 6 (4 hours, Day 4 Evening):Performance show (Peking opera at Liyuan Theatre).Date: 7/19/2018
Session 7 (3 hours, Day 5 Morning):Chinese traditional instrumental music.Date: 7/20/2018
【Assignments for this session】
Review of the lecture and viewing online resources of Chinese traditional instrumental music performances are encouraged.
Session 8 (3 hours, Day 6 Morning):Chinese classical and folk dances.Date: 7/23/2018
【Assignments for this session】
Essay on Quyi or Chinese dance. Students can discuss some aspects of them. The main topics to be included are given in class.
Session 9 (3 hours, Day 7 Morning):Speech science and linguistic aspects, singing voice, spatial hearing and virtual reality, acoustical requirements of various performing spaces.Date: 7/24/2018
【Assignments for this session】
Review of the lecture is encouraged.
Session 10 (4 hours, Day 7 Afternoon):Quyi and Chinese folk songs.Date: 7/24/2018
【Assignments for this session】
Review of the lecture and viewing online resources of Quyi and Chinese folk song performances are encouraged.
Session 11 (3 hours, Day 8 Morning):Field trip to Beijing Peking Opera Group or National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts.Date: 7/25/2018
【Assignments for this session 】
Essay on Chinese traditional instrumental music. Students can discuss some aspects of it. The main topics to be included have been given in Session 5.
Session 12 (3 hours, Day 9 Morning):Current development of Chinese traditional performance.Date: 7/26/2018
【Assignments for this session 】
Review of the lecture and viewing online resources of the “modeled plays” are encouraged.
Session 13 (4 hours, Day 9 Evening):Performance show ( Chinese vocal and dance performance).Date: 7/26/2018
Session 14 (3 hours, Day 10 Morning):Student presentations.Date: 7/27/2018
The course will be delivered through lectures, video presentations, in-class demonstrations and discussions, field trip to performing groups and performance shows, etc. Students will prepare presentations on Chinese performing art, to be given at the end of the semester. Students’ participation is required.
Students are responsible for the cost of show tickets and transportation (e.g., taxi or public transportation) for the field trip and performance shows.

Reading materials to be distributed in class.

Participation in this class commits the students and instructor to abide by a general norm of equal opportunity and academic integrity. It implies permission from students to submit their written work to services that check for plagiarism (such as It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with the definition of plagiarism. Violations of the norm of academic integrity will be firmly dealt with in this class.
Class participation: 24%
Homework/essay: 36%
Presentation: 20%
Final written report: 20%
教学评估 张新亚: