
课程号 89339770 学分 2
英文名称 Health Lifestyle & Communication
中文简介      随着我国经济和社会的快速发展,人民生活水平的不断提高,人们的生活方式发生了很大改变,与生活方式相关的多种慢性非传染病和某些传染病的发病率明显上升,对广大群众健康的危害日益严重。同时,由于生活水平的提高,越来越多的群众开始关注和追求健康,希望享受健康的人生。然而,由于文化、历史等多种原因,我国居民的健康素养水平很低,达到要求的人群比例仅为6.48%。慢病的比例不足5%。许多群众不懂得如何追求健康,一些人追求健康的美好愿望被误导,甚至被邪教和迷信利用。深刻的教训使我们认识到广泛开展健康教育、向群众和大学生提供科学指导,全面提高国民的健康素养十分重要和必要。在人民群众追寻健康的努力中,最应该关注、最经济有效、最简便易行的是改变不健康的行为习惯,采纳健康的生活方式。只要我们在日常生活中注意学习、培养和建立健康的生活方式,就能有效地减少罹患多种疾病的机会,提高国民的健康水平。
英文简介 With the rapid development of the society and economy, people’s living standards has been improved greatly while a sudden change of the lifestyle has taken place. The higher incidence of chronic disease and some infectious disease which is related to our lifestyle has been a great damage to public health.
People, with a better living standard, are attaching more and more importance to health, and also are paying more attention to healthy lifestyles. However ,due to the cultural and historical reasons ,healthy literacy level of our residents are still low while only 6.48% of the population can meet the demands of healthy literacy , 5% have enough knowledge about chronic disease knowledge. People know little about how to pursue a healthy lifestyle, and the lack of proper knowledge about healthy lifestyle and people’s wishes to make a change in their lifestyles has even been misled by superstition and cults. Enough lessons had taught us the significance and urgencies of health education to the whole population. It is imperative for our nation to improve the health life literacy and provide scientific guidance of health lifestyle to university students and general public.
In this course, we will introduce health lifestyle in several aspects in systematic views, including : the concept and content of health;” four basic foundations for health”; reproductive health ( including sex education, venereal disease /AIDS prevention and safe sex knowledge et al); common emergency treatment.
Another prominent feature of this course is that it tries to provide all knowledge in a more vivid way while students can practice and learn in the same time by implementing all possible tips an trips of health education and promotion. So students are encouraged to learn and master the basic knowledge and skills in practicing.
开课院系 医学部教学办
通选课领域 b
授课语言 中文
教材 学生健康指南,国家教委职业技术教育司组编,北京.九洲图书出版社,1996;
教学大纲 提高学生的健康意识、熟悉和部分掌握必要的健康知识和技能,从而提高健康素养。
第一部分 健康观的变化与公共卫生(4学时)
第二部分 健康生活方式的知识与技能(20学时)
第三部分 生殖健康与性教育(6学时)
第四部分 意外伤害急救(2-4学时)
第五部分 简介健康传播方法与技巧贯穿整个课程
课堂教学环节占40%:提问、参与讨论; 课外作业,自选创意活动。
教学评估 钮文异: