
课程号 00137240 学分 2
英文名称 Topics on modular forms
先修课程 线性代数,抽象代数,实分析,复分析和初等数论。
中文简介 一个称为模性定理的结果表述为:


对一大类椭圆曲线,这个定理由Wiles证明,其中一个关键技术是由Wiles和Taylor合作完成的,从而350年后,Fermat大定理终于得到完美的证明;后来整个模性定理由Breuil, Conrad,Taylor 和Diamond证明。

模性定理有许多版本,它们涉及数学的方方面面:分析,代数,几何和数论。 从模形式的基本概念出发,本课程将解释模性定理的不同版本之间的关系。

要求学生学习过线性代数, 抽象代数,实分析,复分析和初等数论, 主要参考文献是:”A First Course in Modular Forms” by Diamond and Shurman, GTM 228.
英文简介 A result called the Modularity Theorem states that

           All rational elliptic curves arise from modular forms.

This theorem was proved for a large class of elliptic curves by Wiles with a key ingredient supplied by joint work with Taylor, completing the proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem after some 350 years; it was then completely proved by Breuil, Conrad, Taylor and Diamond.

There are many versions of the Modularity Theorem that involve various aspects
of mathematics: analysis, algebra, geometry and number theory. In this course, starting
from basic concepts of modular forms, we will give explanations of the relationship among
the versions of the Modularity.

The minimal prerequisites are strong background on linear algebra, abstract algebra,
real analysis, complex analysis and elementary number theory. The main reference book
is ”A First Course in Modular Forms” by Diamond and Shurman, GTM 228.
开课院系 数学科学学院
授课语言 中英双语
教材 无;
A First Course in Modular Forms,Fred Diamond and Jerry Shurman,Springer,2005,
参考书 0-387-23229-x; ;
教学大纲 本课程将解释模性定理的不同版本之间的关系
1. modular forms elliptic curves and modular curves (3+1)

2 dimension formulas (3+1)

3 Eisenstein series  4+2

4 hecke operators (8+2)

4 Eichler-Shimura relation (8)
教学评估 田青春: