
课程号 00137260 学分 2
英文名称 Macroeconomic Analysis with Big Data and Machine Learning
先修课程 微积分、线性代数,至少掌握一门编程语言,以及下列课程之一:宏观经济学/概率统计/机器学习
中文简介 本课程从宏观经济学发展的重大机遇——大量新的微观数据及非传统数据更加可得、新的高维统计机器学习模型入手,讨论已有模型中的相关框架(如状态空间模型、异质性个体模型、宏观中的简约模型)以及这些框架在新数据、新方法下的工作。我们将比较系统地讨论一系列最新工作,并提供基于真实大数据的上机实习。
英文简介 We introduce emerging opportunities in macroeconomics due to the recent booming of big data and the development of machine learning. We will systematically discuss relevant existing work (e.g. state space models, heterogeneous agent models, reduced-form macro models) and a series of recent work. Hands-on sessions with real world big data will be offered.
开课院系 数学科学学院
授课语言 中英双语
教材 无;
教学大纲 越来越多地使用微观大数据,以及越来越复杂的高维建模是近年来宏观经济学发展的重要特点之一。如何系统性地使用数据科学跟机器学习的方法工具,结合记录经济活动的大量数据,回答众多重要的经济问题,给经济学与数据科学研究带来了难得的机遇与挑战。我们希望通过开设这门课程,系统性地梳理相关的工作,讨论最新的成果,并通过给学生提供真实数据与问题进行实际操作,培养一批具有多学科背景和兴趣的学生,启发学生积极使用新数据与新方法解决问题。
1. Overview:
1.1 Basics of Machine Learning (2)
1.2 Basics of Macroeconometrics (2)

2. State Space Model and Machine Learning
2.1 Linear Gaussian State Space Model (2)
2.2 State Space Models, Recurrent Neural Network and LSTM Network (2)
2.3 State Space Model with Micro Data (2)
2.4 Nowcasting, Mixed Frequency Forecasting and Machine Learning (2)

3. Structural VAR and Machine Learning
3.1 Structural Vector Autoregressive Model (2)
3.2 Distributional Vector Autoregressive Model (2)

4. Structural Model, Heterogeneous Agent Model and Machine Learning
4.1 Heterogeneous Agent Model: Krusell-Smith and variants (2)
4.2 Heterogeneous Agent Model in Continuous Time: HACT and HANK (2)
4.3 Solving High-dimensional PDEs using Deep Neural Networks (2)
4.4 Solving Structural Model using Deep Neural Networks (2)

5. Empirical Macroeconomic Analysis with Big Data
5.1 Credit and Consumption Data on the Great Recession (2)
5.2 Tax Data, Inequality and Economic Opportunity (2)
5.3 Textual Data, Uncertainty and Sentiments (2)
5.4 Firm Data, ESIEC and Chinese Economy (2)
教学评估 鄂维南: