
课程号 00333114 学分 2
英文名称 Integrated Water Resources Management: International Aspects
中文简介 本课程的第一部分将简要介绍水资源与各类水文过程,诸如降水、蒸发、下渗、土壤、地下水与地表径流,以及在各种气候条件下这些水文过程的相互作用与联系。课程的第二部分将以理解解决“世界水资源战争”危机的技术与非技术问题为前提,从全球化的视角洞悉水资源综合管理(IWRM)这一课题。
英文简介 The course starts with a quick introduction on water resources and hydrological processes such as precipitation, evaporation, infiltration, soil and groundwater and runoff, and the relations of all these processes with the overall climate. The second part strives to give insight on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in a global sense with good comprehension of technical and non-technical issues to address the risks of World Water War
开课院系 工学院
授课语言 英文
教材 无;
教学大纲 Make students know the  introduction on water resources and hydrological processes such as precipitation, evaporation, infiltration, soil and groundwater and runoff, and the relations of all these processes with the overall climate.
1. Hydrological system, water circulation, water balance
2. Precipitation, rainfall-runoff relationships and evaporation
3. Runoff calculation with hydrograph analysis
4. Urban hydrology and storm water
5. Lake hydraulics and flooding
6. Soil water and groundwater
7. Hydrological Restoration
8. Climate systems, climate variability and climate change
9. Introduction and fundamentals of IWRM
10. Contents, tools and implementation of IWRM with case examples
11. Sustainable development and value of water
Homework Assignments          20%
Project Assignments               20%
Midterm Exam                      20%
Final Exam                           40%

                        Total         100%
教学评估 Linus Zhang: