
课程号 00333134 学分 2.5
英文名称 Physiology of Cellular and Molecular Systems
中文简介 向学生介绍哺乳动物细胞的解剖结构:结构、组织和基本功能细胞器,基因表达,细胞内信号级联,细胞骨架,细胞生命周期和细胞外基质。介绍细胞与分子生物学与生物工程的关系。介绍细胞如何与物理和机械环境相互作用的概念。对刺激有感觉、处理和反应的复杂机器。介绍细胞生物学研究中使用的分析方法。使学生熟悉与生物多样性有关的问题。在课程结束时,学生将理解:1。细胞器的结构和功能组织,特别是细胞膜,细胞骨架,细胞外基质和细胞核 2。细胞信号通路的定量方面 3.调节细胞生长和死亡的机制4,基因表达的基本调控机制5。生物医学工程应用
英文简介 To introduce BME students to the anatomy of mammalian cells: structure, organization and basic function of organelles, gene expression, intracellular signaling cascades, the cytoskeleton, the cell life cycle, and the extracellular matrix.   
To introduce students to the relationship between cell and molecular biology and bioengineering. To introduce concepts of how cells interact with their physical and mechanical environments and function as intricate machines that sense, process, and respond to stimuli.
To introduce students to analytical methods used in cell biology research.   
To acquaint students with issues related to biological variability.

At the end of the course, the students will understand:
1.  The structure and functional organization of cell organelles, especially membranes, the cytoskeleton,
extracellular matrix and the nucleus
2.  Quantitative aspects of cell signaling pathways
3.  Mechanisms regulating cell growth and death
4.  Basic regulatory mechanisms of gene expression
5.  Applications to biomedical engineering
开课院系 工学院
授课语言 英文
教材 Molecular Biology of the Cell,Bruce Alberts,Garland Science,2015,
参考书 6,978-0-8153-4432-2;
教学大纲 At the end of the course, the students will understand:
1.  The structure and functional organization of cell organelles, especially membranes, the cytoskeleton,
extracellular matrix and the nucleus
2.  Quantitative aspects of cell signaling pathways
3.  Mechanisms regulating cell growth and death
4.  Basic regulatory mechanisms of gene expression
5.  Applications to biomedical engineering
Topics          Readings (MBoC)

Module I: Building Blocks     (May 20 – May 29)
A.  Cell Anatomy           Ch. 1  
B.  Building blocks         Ch. 2
C.  Membranes              Ch. 10, Ch. 13
D.  Proteins, Enzymes, and Kinetics  Ch. 3
E.  Methods                  Ch. 8: 439-463

Module II: Working Parts     (May 30 – June 10)
A.  Cell Signaling        Ch. 15
B.  Transcription        Ch. 6: 299-327
C.  Translation          Ch. 6: 333-362
D.  Post-translational modifications    Ch. 12: 710-750
E.  Genetic Manipulation     Ch. 8: 463-509

Module III: Cell as a Machine     (June 11 – June 21)
A.  Systems Biology      Ch. 8: 509-525
B.  Non-coding RNAs      Ch. 7: 429-436
C.  Cell Cycle          Ch. 17
D.  Cell Death         Ch. 18
E.  Cytoskeleton        Ch. 16
F.  Cancer          Ch. 20
G.  Stem Cell Biology       Ch. 22: 1217-1227; 1251-1260
H.  Extracellular Matrix       Ch. 19: 1057-1087
60 points: Exams (3)             
20 points: Final project and papers   
10 points: Other presentations and articles       
10 points: Class participation        
100% Total             

Paper Reviews - Students are required to read the assigned articles (available on T-square).  Original scientific articles  will  be  discussed  on  assigned  days.    Students  are  required  to  write  1-page  reviews  of  the  original scientific articles following the format below.  These will be collected at the beginning of class within the first 5 minutes and randomly graded. Participation in the discussion will also be assessed and factored into the grade.

(2 pts)  1) Brief description of the point of the article -- why did the scientists believe this      
   work would be important?  
(1 pt)   2) What background motivated this study?  
(1 pt)   3) What are the health issues or diseases this work will help address?  
(2 pts)  4) Which do YOU think is the most important figure in this paper and why?  
(2 pts)  5) Describe at least one scientific problem with the paper.  This could be in the  
     experiments, methods, conclusions, etc. (EVERY paper has them!)  
(2 pts)  6) Describe a biomedical engineering approach that could enhance this study.  

Grading Scale
A  90.0 – 100%     
B  80.0 – 89.9%     
C  70.0 – 79.9%     
D  60.0 – 69.9%     
F  Less than 60.0%
教学评估 Manu Platt: