
课程号 00333144 学分 3
英文名称 Cardiovascular Biomechanics and Modeling
中文简介 随着心血管疾病成为世界范围内人类的头号死因,心血管医学也不断发展为至关重要的科研领域。经过本课程的学习,学生将掌握与人类心血管系统的计算机模拟、医疗设备设计与外科手术方案有关的核心背景知识。课程将为学生介绍心血管系统的基础概念,并让学生在搭建心血管生物力学模型并调参的过程中获得实践经验。数次建模大作业将让学生接触到科学计算、三维医学图像处理、最优化与数据可视化。最终的课程答辩将强化学生的批判性思维,并为学生提供了学以致用、加深认知的机会。本课程详细展示了工程与医学交叉融合的案例,非常适合对交叉学科学习感兴趣的同学。
英文简介 As cardiovascular diseases have become the leading cause of death world-wide, the field of cardiovascular medicine is a critical, growing area of research. This course will equip students with the critical background knowledge to consider important aspects of the human cardiovascular system relevant to computational modeling, medical device design, and surgical treatment planning. Students will be introduced to fundamental concepts of the cardiovascular system, and gain hands-on experiences in building a variety of cardiovascular biomechanical models and performing parameter tuning. Several modeling projects will expose students to scientific computing, 3D medical image processing, optimization, and data visualization. A final debate presentation will enforce critical thinking and provide the opportunity for students to form their own cognitive processes applying the relevant knowledge learned. This course illustrates examples of what the intersection between engineering and medicine looks like, and is suitable for students who are interested in interdisciplinary studies.
开课院系 工学院
授课语言 英文
教材 无;
教学大纲 Students will be introduced to fundamental concepts of the cardiovascular system, and gain hands-on experiences in building a variety of cardiovascular biomechanical models and performing parameter tuning.
1. Cardiac Physiology and Modeling
2. Vascular Structure and Biomechanics
3. Lumped-parameter Cardiovascular Models
4. Computational Fluid Dynamics and Multi-scale Modeling
5. Blood Properties, Functions, and Behaviours
6. Cardiac Electrophysiology
7. Biomechanics in Cardiovascular Diseases
8. Auto-Regulation and Exercise Conditions
9. In-vitro Experimental Techniques
10. Medical Imaging
Homework Assignments          20%
Modeling Projects                  30%
Debate Presentation              20%
Final Exam                           20%
Participation                          10%

Tota                                   100%
教学评估 Ethan KUNG: