
课程号 02930189 学分 2
英文名称 Legal Intelligence
中文简介 2017年7月20日,国务院《新一代人工智能发展规划》中指出,经过六十多年的演进,人工智能发展进入新阶段,特别是在移动互联网、大数据、超级计算、传感网、脑科学等新理论新技术以及经济社会发展强烈需求的共同驱动下,人工智能加速发展,呈现出深度学习、跨界融合、人机协同、群智开放、自主操控等新特征。在可预见的未来,人工智能的迅速发展将深刻改变人类社会生活、改变世界。值得注意的是,在这一高瞻远瞩的国家人工智能战略规划中,对于法律与人工智能的发展,国家已经释放出诸多重要的信号:首先,新规划力挺人工智能在司法工作和法律服务领域的应用;其次,新规划强调在发展人工智能的同时,高度重视相关法律、伦理和社会问题研究,建立人工智能法律法规、伦理规范和政策体系;最后,新规划提出“人工智能+X”复合专业培养新模式,法学赫然在列,法学教育的改革势在必行。本课程正是对《新一代人工智能发展规划》如何法律领域落实的初步回应,主要分为三个部分:第一部分将简要介绍人工智能兴起的背景及其在各个垂直领域的应用;第二部分重点介绍人工智能在法律行业内的应用,包括在司法领域、法律服务业的应用,以及人工智能对法律教育、法学研究的影响;第三部分探讨人工智能与法律、伦理、社会、就业等之间的关系,关注人工智能的规制问题。
英文简介 On July 20, 2017, Notice of the State Council on Issuing the Development Plan on the New Generation of Artificial Intelligence pointed out that after sixty years of development, AI has entered a new stage. Promoted by such new theories and technologies as mobile internet, big data, supercomputing, sensor network and neuroscience and the strong impetus of social-economic development, AI has made huge progress and demonstrated such new features as deep learning, transboundary harmonization, man-machine coordination, the openness of mass wisdom and autonomous control. In the near future, the rapid development of AI will change the social life and the world in a fundamental way. It is noticeable that in the Notice, Chinese government has released important signals on law and AI. First, the Notice strongly supports the application of AI in judicial and legal field. Second, the Notice pays much attention to legal and ethical as well as social problems with AI, although it emphasizes the development of AI. Third, the Notice proposes new education model of “AI+”, in which legal education is also involved. This course represents a preliminary response to the requirements of the Notice for the legal field. The course will be mainly divided into three parts. The first part will make a brief introduction to the development of AI and its applications in specific sectors. The second part will deal with the application of AI in the field of law as well as its impact upon legal education and legal scholarship. The third part will discuss the relationship between AI and law, ethics, society and employment.
开课院系 法学院
授课语言 中文
教材 法律智能革命,华宇元典法律研究院,北京大学出版社,2018年;
人工智能,李开复,文化发展出版社,2017年,智能时代,吴军,中信出版集团,2016,大数据时代,舍恩伯格,浙江人民出版社,2013,人工智能时代,卡普兰,浙江人民出版社,2016,无人驾驶,利普曼,文汇出版社,2017,计算未来,微软,北京大学出版社,2018,刷新:重新发现商业与未来,纳德拉,中信出版集团,2018,法律人的明天会怎样,萨斯坎德,北京大学出版社,2015,An Introduction to Empirical Legal Research,Epstein and Martin,Oxford University Press,2014,大数据挖掘,周英 等,机械工业出版社,2016,
教学大纲 本课程的基本目的在于介绍人工智能的发展现状,重点关注人工智能在法律领域内的应用以及人工智能的规制问题。与其他垂直领域不同,法律具有诸多不同的特征,无论是“法律+人工智能”还是“人工智能+法律”,都需要给予充分的关注。
教学评估 江溯: