
课程号 30340082 学分 3
英文名称 The Rise of China and Change in World Politics
中文简介 本课程为中文授课。
英文简介 The rise of China is one of the most important and defining themes in contemporary international relations. This seminar course is intended for advanced undergraduate students to examine major issues and topics concerning the rise of China from a broad theoretical perspective, and to engage in the academic discourse and policy debate about implications of China’s rise for world politics. The seminar is organized around the central question – will China’s rise bring about a fundamental change to the international system? – and roughly divided into three sections: (1) China’s rise and the “paradigm change” in world politics; (2) China’s quest for identity and order; and (3) implications of China rising for Asia and the world. Under each of these sections, a few specific topics are identified for class discussion.

Students wishing to enroll in this course are expected to have basic knowledge of international relations and China’s foreign policy.
开课院系 教务部
授课语言 英文
教材 无;
教学大纲 The rise of China is one of the most important and defining themes in contemporary international relations and world politics. This seminar course is intended for advanced undergraduate students and graduate students to explore the complexities of major academic and real-world issues and topics concerning the rise of China by analyzing divergent perspectives and engaging in the relevant academic discourse and policy debate about implications of China’s rise for world politics. The seminar is organized around the central question – will China’s rise bring about a fundamental change to the international system? The course is roughly divided into three sections: (1) China’s rise and the paradigm change in world politics; (2) China’s quest for identity and order; and (3) challenges and implications of China rising for Asia and the world. Under each of these sections, a few specific topics are identified for class discussion.
There are both required and recommended readings for each class. No book purchase needed. All the required texts (those highlighted in bold) will be available through PKU Summer School arrangements.

Session 1
Introduction: The Rise of China and Its Implications for World Politics
Session 2
Contending Paradigms in World Politics
Memo and Presentation I
Session 3
China’s Reemergence as a World Power: East Asia as a Distinct International System?
Memo and Presentation II
Session 4
A World in the Image of Tianxia (天下)
Memo and Presentation III
Session 5
China’s Quest for Modern Identity
Memo and Presentation IV
Session 6
The Revival of Confucianism: Identity and Modernity
Memo and Presentation V
Session 7
Is Culture Destiny? The “Asian Values” Debate
Memo and Presentation VI
Session 8
Chinese Soft Power: The Case of the Beijing Olympics
Memo and Presentation VII
Session 9
China’s Frontier Problems: The Case of Taiwan
Memo and Presentation VIII
Session 10
The “History Issue” in China’s Relations with East Asia
Memo and Presentation IX
Session 11
China’s Rise as a Maritime Power: the South China Sea Challenge
Memo and Presentation X
Session 12
China’s “Peaceful Rise” and American “Hegemonic Stability”
Memo and Presentation XI
Participation and discussion constitute a central part in this course. Attendance is mandatory. Students are expected to complete all required readings prior to class meetings and to actively participate in class discussion. Absence without legitimate reasons will lead to deduction in scores for participation and discussion, and in extreme cases, may lead to a student’s failure in the course.

The proceeding of the course will be based on students’ presentation of the required texts related to the general themes and specific topics. Throughout the course, each student is expected to write a short memo (1-2 pages) 1-3 times (depending on the number of student enrollment) which briefly summarizes and critiques required texts for a particular session. Memos and presentations will count toward scores in participation. The students who prepare memos should circulate the memos to other students and the instructor before class, and each make a 5-7 minute presentation in class, which is followed by class discussion.

Three parts of the evaluation will be calculated as follows:

Participation and discussion Presentation and critique Paper(s)
40% 15% 45%
教学评估 徐昕: