
课程号 01235380 学分 2
英文名称 Urban Development & Transport Management
中文简介 随着中国城镇化的快速推进,城市发展过程中更加关注城市居民的交通改善,解决城市交通通拥堵已成为各级政府急需解决的问题之一。为此,建立以新时期中国城市发展中民生为导向的交通管理制度,构建有利于改善城市发展的公共交通发展体系,通过《城市发展与交通管理》课程,阐述提高城市发展生态环境质量和城市交通拥堵治理水平等技术与方法,保障和改善城市居民出行便利的具体措施落到实处,切实推动实现提升城市居民的幸福指数、打造民生幸福城市的目标。
英文简介 Introduction to Urban Development and Transport management
With the rapid promote of China’s urbanization, it has paid more attention to urban traffic improvement in the process of urban development. How to resolve the urban traffic jam becomes one of the key problems to the governments at all levels. Therefore, it needs to build the people’s livelihood oriented traffic management system and it also needs to construct the public traffic system to help improve urban development. From the course of “Urban Development and Traffic Management”, it will describe the techniques and ways of promoting urban development ecological environment quality and management of urban traffic jam, so that it can ensure and improve urban residents’ trip, and it will promote urban residents’ happiness index to make the happy city, too.
In the course of “Urban Development and Traffic Management”, it tells the details of city development process. With the help of it, the course will analyze urban development plan, models of traffic pattern and traffic management. There are 10 chapters in the course, including the concept and emerge of city, the process of urban management, the city of wisdom and its relevant technologies, intelligent traffic system, traffic information system, intelligent public traffic, urban traffic management, intercity transportation system, freeway information service system as well as vehicle navigation and release system, it will have a profound analysis and discussion of them.
开课院系 地球与空间科学学院
授课语言 中文
教材 城市蓝皮书:中国城市发展报告,潘家华,魏后凯,社会科学文献出版社,2011,智慧城市论丛,上海社会科学院信息研究,上海社会科学院出版社,2011,智能交通技术及其应用,曲大义,机械工业出版社,2011,中国城市交通发展报告,中国城市规划院,中国建筑工业出版社,2009,
教学大纲 随着中国城镇化的快速推进,城市发展过程中更加关注城市居民的交通改善,解决城市交通通拥堵已成为各级政府急需解决的问题之一。为此,建立以新时期中国城市发展中民生为导向的交通管理制度,构建有利于改善城市发展的公共交通发展体系,通过《城市发展与交通管理》课程,阐述提高城市发展生态环境质量和城市交通拥堵治理水平等技术与方法,保障和改善城市居民出行便利的具体措施落到实处,切实推动实现提升城市居民的幸福指数、打造民生幸福城市的目标。
第一章 绪论----4学时;第二章 智智慧城市及其相关技术----4学时;
第三章 智能交通体系框架----2学时;第四章 城市交通规划----2学时;
第五章 交通信息服务与发布系统----4学时;第六章 智能公共交通系统----2学时;
第七章 城市交通管理与控制----3学时;第八章 城际交通运输系统----2学时;
第九章 高速公路信息服务系统----2学时;第十章 车辆导航系统----3学时;