
课程号 02100100 学分 2
英文名称 Latin Paleography
中文简介 拉丁文书学以古代文献的书写形式及其演变为研究对象,是阅读和研究中古西欧文献的必要辅助学科。本课程以教师讲授与学生实践相结合的方式,训练学生解读典型拉丁语手稿的基本能力。通过课程,学生能够初步了解中古拉丁文书写发展的概况,以及阅读相关历史抄本的辅助性知识,为进一步深入研究和理解拉丁语历史文献打下基础。
英文简介 The purpose of this class is to introduce students to Latin hands from Roman through Humanistic times, the period in which in the west most writing was in Latin. By the end of the course you should be able to recognize and date the hands that we will study and you should be able to transcribe them accurately, recognizing scribal conventions, in particular abbreviations.
Hands, of course, have a material context, and it is important to understand manuscripts themselves, their creation, form and layout. We will also study conditions in which the manuscripts were produced, the circumstances under which they were copied and read. An important question throughout will be how the form of a particular manuscript of a text might have conditioned how that text was read.
Finally, we will consider how manuscripts have been used, in particular, to create the editions that we use in our various fields. We will discuss both the “scientific” form of critical editing typically used, for example, to produce texts of classical works. We will also discuss problems with this approach, and look at other methods that have been tried, their advantages and disadvantages.
开课院系 历史学系
授课语言 英文
教材 Latin paleogrpahy: antiquity and the Middle Ages,Bernhard Bischoff,,Cambridge University Press,1990;
教学大纲 The purpose of this class is to introduce students to Latin hands from Roman through Humanistic times, the period in which in the west most writing was in Latin. By the end of the course you should be able to recognize and date the hands that we will study and you should be able to transcribe them accurately, recognizing scribal conventions, in particular abbreviations.

1: Introduction and Roman Literary Script
2: Roman Writing System I: Capitals

3: The Roman Writing System II: Cursives

4: The Roman Writing System III (Uncial and Semi-Uncial)

5: Insular (Irish and Anglo-Saxon) Majuscule and Minuscule Script

6: Irish and Anglo-Saxon Minuscules

7: National Hands I (Luxeuil)

8: National Hands II (Merovingian B Minuscule; Corbie AB Minuscule).

9: National Hands III (Beneventan)
10 : National Hands IV (Northan Italian, Rhaetian and Visigothic Minuscules)

11: Carolingian

12: Gothic Scripts I

13: Gothic Scripts II
14: Gothic Scripts II

15: Humanism
We will address these issues in two ways. The class as a whole will read some secondary scholarship for general knowledge and discussion. Each student will each be asked to further secondary works and to present them to the class. Class reports should be short (10 minutes) – I will stop you if you go over. They are intended to introduce the class to texts and raise issues of interest for class discussion. Reports should include a brief description of the contents of the reading assigned and should pose questions for further discussion in class.

The only way to learn to read Latin manuscript hands is by reading them. Every week we will transcribe hands from several manuscripts, partly with reference to the transcriptions made by Brown and by Muir, and partly without.  I will also ask you to prepare a description of one of the pages under consideration.
Transcriptions and class participation                             25%
In-Class Presentations                                                  20%
Final Examination:                                                         30%
Annotated Bibliography:                                                25%