
课程号 06238090 学分 3
英文名称 Introduction to Economic Growth
先修课程 Principles of Economics
中文简介 工业文明以来,人类经济的总体水平经历了前所未有的普遍增长,人类的平均收入和生活水平显著提高,全球人口得以增长高达6倍多,人类期望寿命翻翻。与此同时,伴随工业文明的长期经济增长在各国的步伐迥异,各国间的收入和生活水平的差距较之农业文明的时代也空前扩大。问题是,什么关键因素决定了诸如美国之富与非洲之穷等国家间的巨大差异?又如,在过去的三十年,中国经济的增速与日本经济的减速只是短期的经济周期波动还是长期的增长趋势?人类“经济大分流”的趋势将会如何演进?毋庸置疑,这是一个极具挑战、争议多过共识,而又令人着迷的主题。经济增长正是围绕该主题展开的经济学专题分析,这既是经济学家长期研究的重点,也是社会各界高度关注的议题。该课程将系统讲授经济增长的关注要点,基本原理,决定要素,实证案例。具体而言,该课程将基于经济增长理论,系统分析经济增长的主要决定因素及其相互关系。这些主要因素包括三大类:要素积累(物质资本、人力资本),劳动生产率(技术进步、生产效率),以及基础要素(政府、分配、文化、地理条件等)。
英文简介 The world economies have experienced the greatest divergence in economic growth in history since the Industrial Revolution. China, in particular, went through perhaps the most dramatic transitions, from leading the world economy for most of the agricultural era, to falling among the poorest economies in the late 70s, and then to upturning again with an unprecedentedly high growth for the recent decades. While the world great divergence is well observed, large disputes remain on the key economic drivers and mechanisms for growth.

This course will be the first of its kind at PKU to provide undergraduate students with a systematic view of economic concepts, basic theories, analytic frameworks, and empirical literature and evidence that are essential to a full understanding of the most fundamental part for economic growth. Drawing upon the materials from the leading textbooks and literature, this course will have ten central topics on growth for lectures, presentations, and discussions throughout a semester. As an outcome, this course expects students to gain a basic understanding of why and how growth matters, and what is known and what is not known from the literature on the driving forces of growth.                  
开课院系 国家发展研究院
授课语言 英文
教材 Economic Growth,David Weil,Pearson,2013;
The Economics of Growth,Philippe Aghion, Peter Howitt, and Leonardo Bursztyn,MIT Press,2008;
教学大纲 This is a semester-long course, aiming at providing undergraduate students with a systematic view of economic concepts, basic theories, analytic frameworks, and empirical data and evidence from literature that are essential to a full understanding of the most fundamental part for economic growth.
Topic 1: Review of economic principles (3 hours)

Topic 2: Economic growth and great divergence before and after industrial revelation (3 hours)  

Topic 3: Growth and factors of production: the role of physical capital (6 hours)

Topic 4: Growth and factors of production: the role of labor force (3 hours)

Topic 5: Growth and factors of production: the role of human capital (6 hours)

Topic 6: Growth and productivity: the role of technological progress (3 hours)

Topic 7: Growth and productivity: work efficiency (3 hours)

Topic 8: Growth and essential conditions: the role of government (6 hours)

Topic 9: Growth and essential conditions: the role of income distribution (3 hours)

Topic 10: Growth and essential conditions: the role of culture and social value (3 hours)

Topic 11: Growth and essential conditions: the role of geography and natural resources (3 hours)

Topic 12: Overall review and future outlooks (3 hours)
Class lectures (60%); student oral presentations (30%); group discussions (10%)
Class participation (30%)
Final in-class written test (60%)
Oral presentations (10%)
教学评估 刘国恩: