
课程号 06733070 学分 2
英文名称 Digital Media Creative Design
先修课程 无先修课程要求。
中文简介 本课程是北京大学教育学院面向全校本科生开设的一门公选课,属于与教育技术专业相关的技术应用类课程。内容涉及数字化学习/电子学习(E-learning)设计与开发相关的技术和技能,如电子课件开发、在线课程设计、数字单反摄影与照片处理(人像/风景)、视频摄制与后期编辑(微视频)和视频直播教学等。
本课程的主要教学目标包括三个方面:一是培养和提升各专业本科生的“数字媒体素养”(Digital Media literacy),即在互联网数字化环境中以适当方式获取、分析、评估和制作各种媒体信息的能力;二是挖掘和激发学生们对于教师职业的潜在兴趣,培养未来互联网时代具有数字化教学能力(E-learning Skill)的高素质师资;三是让更多的优秀本科生了解教育技术学科(Educational Technology),鼓励有志者在毕业时申报该专业的推免硕士研究生,成为这个富有活力的学术领域的新成员。
英文简介 Course Description

Creativity is the essence of design in any age. In the Internet age, digital creativity is especially regarded as the basis of design. Essentially, Creativity is a unique perspective, a novel idea, or a way of expressing emotion, and it is used to spread the bridge between concept and material. Good creativity can turn decadent into magic, and make it dull and shining. Especially in the Internet age with digital information surging, Digital creative can make the object highlight personality and advantages, flash the edge and strength, and reach the acme of perfection in   various network information.

Actually, Creative design thinking is an important component of College Students' creative thinking training in the age of Internet. Globally, the demand for digital creative design has not only been limited to the previous graphic and visual designers, photographers and web designers, but is gradually expanding into the basic capabilities of various professions. Such as public relations, publishing, broadcasting, health care, education, government agencies, and manufacturing, more and more fields and industries are emphasizing digital creativity and communication technology, paying attention to sharing or presenting ideas in a visual way, and further creativity, design and production of rich digital products and experiences.

How to cultivate digital creative design ability? Just as Microsoft's epoch-making computer operating system, Windows has changed the way people work, Adobe has revolutionized the way individuals display ideas and process information in the Internet age. Through a variety of highly innovative applications, Adobe has brought about tremendous changes in the field of digital design. It can be said that Adobe is an amazing and fascinating symbol, representing innovation, originality, magic and omnipotence. Adobe has been seeking to express images, information and ideas in a better way, and has created an excellent example of innovative results in digital imaging, design and documentation. Therefore, Adobe is indispensable when we talking about digital creative.

This is a course aims to train, express and develop your digital creative ideas using Adobe's electronic design tools. You will learn about the current mainstream digital design tools and development methods based on Adobe design tools in this course. The learning content will allow learners to draw pictures, edit videos, and make mobile content by using Adobe's most creative multiple design and development software. Learners can also incorporate creativity into tasks such as assignments and learning easily. The creative tools involved in this course include Photoshop, Premiere, After Effects, Audition, Acrobat, Presenter, Captivate and related auxiliary design software such as SAI, BIN, Easy Sketch, Crazy Talk and so on.
开课院系 教育学院
授课语言 中文
教材 PPT云课堂教学法,赵国栋等,北京大学出版社,2017,第1版,9787301289990;
参考书 第1版,9787301234648;
教学大纲 基于以上课程内容,本课的核心教学目标包括以下三个层面:
序号 模块名称 总课时数 教学内容 主讲者
1 数字艺术与创意概述 2 课程概述和案例演示
2 数字视觉传达设计 6 设计基础与作品赏析:3课时
3 数字摄影及后期处理 6 摄影基础:3课时
4 数字摄像及编辑处理 6 摄像基础:3课时
5 数字化学习交互设计 6 电子文档制作Acrobat: 3课时
6 项目设计与制作练习 6 项目分析与计划制定:3课时
7 项目作业展示与评比 2 项目作业展示与评价
本课采取基于项目学习(Project-based learning)形式,强调任务驱动式的学习过程,要求学习者积极参与,小组合作,既动手也动脑,做中学,学中做,全方位发挥出潜在的创新能力。
1. 纪律要求:上课迟到者,每1次扣5分;请假超过3次者,无课程成绩。
2. 选课基础:要求选课学生必须自带性能适当的笔记本电脑前来上课,希望学习者具备基础的计算机操作技能,能够熟练操作和使用常用工具,如MS Office等常用应用类程序;同时,若有绘画、摄影或音乐等基础则更好。
3. 成绩计算=课堂讨论参与(10%)+课堂练习(20%)+课堂汇报(20%)+分组项目设计(50%)。实施项目教学法(Project-based learning),在课程结束时,要求每一项目组(3-5人)设计一个数字创意项目作品,它占课程成绩的50%,其他50%分数则由个人讨论、练习和汇报决定。
教学评估 赵国栋: