
课程号 12730080 学分 2
英文名称 Environmental Issues and  Policies in China
中文简介 环境问题是人类社会发展到现阶段面临的严峻问题,环境污染给人体健康带来巨大的风险,气候变化威胁着人类的生存。环境问题主要是人类生产和生活活动的副产物,其产生与每个个体的行为息息相关。环境问题的解决需要每个人的参与,也需要公共政策制定者创造条件来激励人们的参与。本课程拟系统地介绍环境问题及其产生根源和解决之道。









英文简介 Environmental problems are serious issues the global community faces. They are largely the byproducts of human activities and everyone has its own contributions. To address these problems requires the involvement of every individual, and also requires policy makers to create favorable environment to incentivize the involvement of individuals. This course is designed to systematically introduce environmental problems we face, and their cause and solution.

Environmental problems in China is quite severe. China has achieved enormous success in social and economic development. This achievements are obtained with a price. Environmental problems plague China: air, water and soil pollution is notoriously severe, trash problems besiege urban and rural areas, chemical plants explosion and oil spillover occur from time to time. In introducing environmental problems, Chinese examples will be heavily used in this course.

The objective of the course is to help students to understand the status and cause of environmental problems and enable them to make environmentally sound decisions. The basics of environmental sciences will be explained where there is a need in introducing concrete problems; economic theories which help understand public policies will be elaborated in introducing environmental policies. The course will be presented by answering a series of questions.

First, what is environment? Put it another way, when people talk about environmental problems, what do they mean? “Environment” is frequently mentioned in daily conversation. Environmental pollution and environmental problems are familiar phrase as well. However, the meaning of the word “environment” is vague to most people. This course will start with basic concepts and lead the students to discuss the connotation and denotation of environment.

Second, what are environmental problems? There are many environmental problems threatening the earth and its inhabitants, just name a few, river pollution, soil pollution, forest degradation, and climate change. The course will give a general introduction to environmental problems to help students understand the diversity and complexity of environmental issues. The basic sciences governing the environmental processes will be introduced as necessary.

Third, what are environmental problems China faces? China is confronted with many environmental problems. Some are perceptible and familiar ones for instance air pollution, while some others are imperceptible and not known by many people for instance loss of biodiversity. Even for those familiar ones, it is less known how severe the problems are. This course will use Chinese examples to substantiate the general environmental problems in the lectures.

Fourth, what are the causes of environmental problems? What is the relationship between human activities and the environmental problems? Are human activities necessary and sufficient conditions for the emergence and presence of environmental problems? This course will elaborate the causes of the major environmental problems both in a general sense and in a Chinese context.

Fifth, why are we concerned about environmental problems? What are the impacts environmental problems pose to us and our future generations? What kind of value judgment we made when we only consider the impacts on human beings? This course will answer these questions by elaborating the impacts on human health and welfare of environmental problems, and introducing the impacts of environmental degradation on other species and the issues of environmental trade barriers.

开课院系 环境科学与工程学院
授课语言 英文
教材 无;
教学大纲 本课程的开设有多个目的:第一,让学生了解人类所面临环境问题和问题的根源;第二,让学生了解中国所面临的环境问题;第三,让学生了解和思考环境问题的治理之道;第四,让学生了解环境政策及其背后的逻辑;第五,培养学生系统地思考问题和解决的能力;第六,促进学生在未来的决策中有环境保护的意识并能付诸行动。
This content of the course is divided into two parts: China environmental issues and China environmental policy. The first part tries to answer these questions: “what is environment”, “what are environmental problems”, “what are environmental problems China faces”, and “what are the causes of environmental problems”. The second part tries to answer these questions: “why are we concerned about environmental problems”, “what can be done to reduce or eliminate the environmental footprints of human activities”, “how to make effective environmental policies” and “what are the environmental policies made and enforced in China”. The course will be arranged as follows:

(2 hours) The instructor will give a general introduction to the contents to be covered in this course, including the environmental issues confronting human beings in general and environmental issues that China faces, the root cause and solutions of environmental issues, the responsibilities of individuals for the causes and solutions of environmental issues. The question “what is environment” will be discussed in depth in this lecture.

(14 hours) The instructor will systematically introduce the environmental issues of different scales, varying from the global environmental issues such as climate change, loss of biodiversity to regional environmental issues such as air pollution and grassland degradation. In introducing these environmental issues, Chinese examples will be mainly used. The relationship between environmental issues and economic activities, resources utilization, as well as population growth will be explored in depth. The questions of “what are environmental problems”, “what are environmental problems China faces”, and “what are the causes of environmental problems” will be answered in these lectures.

(2 hours) The impacts of environmental issues on human health and the threats of environmental issues on human living environment will be discussed. At the same time, the risks that environmental issues pose on other species and the issue of green trade barrier (i.e., the influence of environmental issues on trade) will be touched as well, but will not be in depth. In introducing the impacts of environmental issues on human health, the health impacts of air pollution in China will be used as an example. In discussing the threats of environmental issues on human living environment, the potential threats of climate change to human beings will be used as an example. The students are expected to be able to answer the question “why are we concerned about environmental problems” after this lecture.

(4 hours) The relationship between individual and organizational behaviors with environmental issues will be discussed. Focus will be put on understanding factors influencing the environmental behaviors of individuals and organizations (mainly enterprises). The policy instruments that can be used to influence these behaviors will be briefly introduced. The question “what can be done to reduce or eliminate the environmental footprints of human activities” will be answered.

(10 hours) Environmental policy instruments will be discussed in detail. Three types of polices will be introduced: incentive-based, command and control, and information campaign. For each type of policy instrument, the underlying theory and the problems that it applies to will be explained. Chinese environmental policy will be used as examples to demonstrate how theories are used to guide practices in environmental policy making. The questions ““how to make effective environmental policies” and “what are the environmental policies made and enforced in China” will be answered with these lectures.
The dominant way of teaching is that the instructor gives lectures. Group discussion will be organized to deepen the understanding of some parts of the contents.
Mid-term exam: 20%; Final exam: 40%; Five quizzes: 40% (each quiz accounts for 8%).
教学评估 徐建华: