
课程号 00333109 学分 3
英文名称 Sustainability Theory and Practices
中文简介 本课程将向学生介绍当前和未来能源供需的可持续性。课程将利用案例研究和实例,重点介绍可持续性理论和实践、二氧化碳排放和气候变化,当前和未来能源需求、高收入和低收入国家能源部门的未来挑战和机遇,跨学科和跨部门参与发展,以及这些解决方案如何影响社会、经济和环境。这门课程将由Rod Bain博士教授,并将邀请相关领域客座专家参与。
英文简介 This course will introduce students to sustainability in the context of energy supply and demand both now and in the future. Using case studies and practical examples, the course will focus on sustainability theory and practice, current and future energy demands in terms of CO2 emissions and climate change, future challenges and opportunities in the energy sector for high and low income countries, trans/interdisciplinary and cross sectoral engagement in the development of energy solutions, and how these solutions may affect society, economies and the environment. This course will be led by Dr Rod Bain and will feature lectures from a range of experts from across the university.
开课院系 工学院
授课语言 英文
教材 无;
教学大纲 To develop an understanding of the principles of sustainability, and how the many facets of sustainability relate to the current and future demand for energy.
1. Understanding the principles of sustainability
2. Sustainability and systems thinking
3. Introduction to key sustainability issues around energy
4. Current and future energy demands
5. Energy system transitions and sustainability
6. Energy justice through the system transition
90% 3 x weekly assessments
10% Attendance and discussion
100% Total