
课程号 01230470 学分 2
英文名称 BDS-based Spatiotemporal Intelligence
先修课程 不需要先修课程。
中文简介 北斗系统是中国自主卫星导航系统,与美国GPS、俄罗斯GLONASS和欧洲Galileo并称世界四大全球导航卫星系统(Global Navigation Satellite System,GNSS)。北斗三号基本系统已于2018年底建成并开始提供全球基本服务,2020年7月完成全球系统建设并正式提供服务。时空智能和视觉智能、声音智能一样,属于人工智能的一部分。精准时空服务——动态厘米级静态毫米级的高精度定位服务和纳秒级授时服务,已经成为人工智能感知外在所需的基础信息之一。“北斗系统与时空智能”属于二十世纪七十年代以来被称为世界三大尖端技术(空间技术、能源技术、人工智能)之“空间技术”与“人工智能”的交叉领域。
英文简介 BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) is one of the four space-based Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), along with US's GPS, Russia's GLONASS, and the Europe Union's Galileo. The China homegrown BDS system started to provide global initial service at the end of 2018 and global full operation service at the end of July 2020. Spatiotemporal intelligence, like visual intelligence and acoustic intelligence, belongs to part of artificial intelligence (AI). Precision space-time service has become one of the basic sensed information needed by AI. BDS/GNSS-based Spatiotemporal Intelligence (BDSI) belongs to the intersection field of space technology and artificial intelligence which, along with energy technology, have been called the world's three most advanced technologies since 1970s.
This course is aimed to integrate the incubation experience for and innovation achievements from participants of the BeiDou Cup China Adolescents Science & Technology Innovation Contest (BD-CASTIC) initiated by Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Education with related organizations in 2010, and the navigation and location-based service (NLS) discipline initiated by Peking University, so as to provide innovation and entrepreneurship training for college students and other youngsters. The contents of the course include the introductions of basic concepts, development history, key technologies and typical applications of BDSI, and its far-reaching impact on the innovative country construction, and provide a platform for pioneers to fully understand BDS system and spatiotemporal intelligence.
Relying on Peking University Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship of Global College Students, Engineering Research Center of Earth Observation and Navigation of the Ministry of Education, China-Europe Satellite Navigation Technology Training and Cooperation Center etc., this course strengthens the interdisciplinary advantages and cooperation among the 21 member universities of Joint Center of GNSS of the Ministry of Education, and the organizers and experts of BDShare Youth Science and Technology Innovation Education Program. Through the co-innovation among team experts, science and technology teachers, and enterprise executives, we wish to explore the principles, applications and prospects of BDSI technology into various natural sciences and social sciences, and cultivate and stimulate the interest and enthusiasm of young people in BDSI innovation and entrepreneurship.
Experts from governmental sectors, universities, institutions, application and investment organizations will be invited to serve as lecturers and entrepreneurship mentors. Through lectures, field surveys, project roadshow, training and challenge competitions, participants will share understanding of BDSI and their innovative and entrepreneurial experience with experts in various fields. The course focuses on the practice of innovation and entrepreneurship, with project team as the training unit. Each team chooses one of the BDSI application fields with unique creativity and industrialization prospects, with incubating support prior to the BD-CASTIC and BDStars (SilkRoad) Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition award winning projects and those with funding intention from innovation and entrepreneurship incubators. Outstanding science and technology teachers, scientific experts and venture mentors will jointly provide targeted guidance and training to the project teams, so as to strongly promote the cooperation between the team and venture capitalists in achievements incubating and technology transfer.
开课院系 地球与空间科学学院
授课语言 中文
教材 无;
教学大纲 课程旨在加强学生全面了解北斗系统与时空智能的发展前沿,全面了解当前时空智能在各领域应用的进展、挑战和机遇。课程以学生听讲和双创实训为主,邀请科技与产业专家讲解时空智能在各领域应用的实例,并担任项目小组指导教师,培养学生学以致用的思路、创新思维和动手能力。实践环节采用企业参观、小组实训以及产业创业计划等形式,进一步加深时空智能如何结合产业需求的理解,并以创业计划及产业报告的形式,让学生真正的深入其中,真实的提升产业敏感度和学以致用的能力。
第1-2学时  讲座(一):BDS/GNSS系统与智慧(数字)地球发展历程及展望
第3-4学时  讲座(二):BDS/GNSS天线、芯片、模组、板卡与终端及卫星定位导航原理
第5-6学时  讲座(三):人工(时空)智能概论
第7-8学时  讲座(四):北斗时空智能及其典型应用
第9-10学时  讲座(五):北斗时空智能产业及其发展态势分析
第11-12学时  讲座(六):北斗时空智能工程项目管理
第13-14学时  讲座(七):北斗时空智能投资和创业
第15学时  讲座(八):北斗时空智能产学研协同创新模式—北斗开放实验室经验分享
第17-18学时  分组双创实训(一):调研、考察(指导教师所在实验室/研究室),各专题导师专题讲座及北斗创客中心依托单位相关成果与产品介绍
第19-20学时  分组双创实训(二):各专题双创师生项目研讨会(讨论确定双创项目组队及项目方案大纲)
第21-24学时  分组双创实训(三):专题各双创项目组成员按分工编制项目方案(双创导师分工指导)
第25-28学时  分组双创实训(四):专题各双创项目组项目方案汇总与优化(双创导师分组指导)
第29-30学时  分组双创实训(五):专题各项目组双创师生与中国相关主管部门、外国驻华使团、创投基金等中外“政-产-学-研-用-资”机构代表对接会(双创项目交流,推动立项)
第31-32学时  分组双创实训(六):专题各项目方案(WORD与PPT演示文件)定稿并由专题导师组初评
附件学时  初评的优胜项目(原则上每专题选一个)集中展示并由BSI全体导师终评(“北斗丝路杯”创新创业挑战赛),课程总结

- 中国卫星导航年会科学委员会
- 中国卫星导航定位协会专家咨询团
- 中国航天基金会
- 科学技术部国家遥感中心(62个业务分部)
- 教育部卫星导航联合研究中心(20余所教育部直属重点高校)
- 北京市智力援建高校学院联合体(5所京籍高校)
- 北斗科技教育协同创新联盟
- 中关村空间信息产业技术联盟
- 北京航空航天大学
- 北京东方联星科技有限公司
- 千寻位置网络有限公司
- 北斗导航位置服务(北京)有限公司
- 北斗航天卫星应用科技集团
- 中国消防救援学院
- 京元绿谷(北京)科技有限公司
- 民航数据通信有限责任公司
- 北京北斗星通导航技术股份有限公司
- 北京华力创通科技股份有限公司
- 中国四维测绘技术有限公司
- 北斗遨翔(北京)教育科技有限公司
教学评估 陈秀万: