
课程号 01630725 学分 2
英文名称 Systems Theory and Systematic Psychotherapy
中文简介 作为一门科学的系统论(System Approach),是由美籍奥地利人、理论生物学家L.Von.Bertalanffy创立的。他在1968年出版的专著:《General System Theory: Foundations, Development, Applications》,被认为是系统论的奠基之作。
英文简介 System Approach, as a scientific theory, has been founded by the Austrian theoretical biologist, L.Von.Bertalanffy. His monograph published in 1968, "General System Theory: Foundations, Development, Applications", is considered to be the foundation of system theory.

The system is defined as an organism,composed of different elements, which function in a certain form. The universe, and micro atoms,can be viewed as systems. The whole world is a collection of systems.

The system theory holds that openness, self-organization, complexity, integrity, relevance and dynamic balance are common basic features of all systems. All system is an organic entirety, not a mechanical combination or a simple collection of all parts. The system functions according to the nature that none of the elements has an isolated state. Each element, in a certain position of the system structure, plays a specific role. The interconnections between elements constitute an inseparable entirety. Each element is an element in the entirety.

The systems theory investigates a variety of systems. The basic way of thinking is to analyze the structure and function of the system from the perspective of entirety, and analyze the relationship among the entirety, the elements, and the environment.

System theory has been widely used in the field of natural science and social science. In social life, people also form different systems, a family, an enterprise, a school, or a country etc. The rules of system theory can also be applied in daily life. Therefore, psychological working methods have emerged with the perspective of the systematic thinking, such as systematic psychotherapy or management. These methods are essentially different from the traditional psychological work. The behavior, the information exchange, and the formation of epistemology could be organized from a new perspective.

The emergence of system theory has made a profound change in the way of thinking. During the past, the research methods usually divided the object into smaller parts, separating different elements, and then explaining the complexity as the collection of different parts. This method focuses on local, following the traditional causal-effect thinking. It is often more applicable to understand simpler things, but not to the complex problems.

This course aims at introducing the basic idea of system theory, especially focusing on the application of system theory in psychology. Students are expected to understand the systematicness, openness and complexity of human behavior from this course. Together with the perspectives and methods provided by other emerging scientific ideas such as cybernetics and information theory, new ideas for understanding and organizing human behavior can be opened up.
开课院系 心理与认知科学学院
授课语言 中文
教材 无;
米兰系统式家庭治疗:理论与实践的对话,博斯科洛 等 著,钟欧 等 译,华东师范大学出版社,2017,彻底的市场经济:系统管理基础,弗里茨·西蒙 等著,张东辉,陈飞译,商务印书馆,2007,改变:问题形成和解决的原则,瓦茨拉维克 等 著,夏林清,郑村棋 译.,教育科学出版社,2007,循环提问:系统式治疗案例教程,弗里茨?西蒙,克里斯特尔?莱西-西蒙 著,于雪梅 译,商务印书馆,2013,
教学大纲 本课程旨在介绍系统论(System Theory)的基础思想,特别聚焦于系统论在心理学中的应用,帮助学生理解人类行为的系统性,开放性,和复杂性。连同控制论、信息论等其他新兴科学思想所提供的视角和方法,为理解和组织人类的行为开拓新思路。
编号 内容 课时
1 系统思想引论:生态系统和进化论 2
2 初步认识系统:较硬的现实与较软的现实 2
3 认识论I:差异与命名 4
4 认识论II:领土与地图 4
5 控制论:信息反馈的环路 4
6 信息:制造差异的差异 2
7 沟通:语言如何定义关系 2
8 系统治疗简介:米兰学派的尝试 2
9 循环提问:内部视角与外部视角 2
11 中立:系统治疗师的位置 2
12 干预:悖论观察与提问 2
10 系统的自组织:秩序的产生、维持和瓦解 4
教学评估 李松蔚: