
课程号 01834348 学分 1
英文名称 Health Communication Research:theories and Methodologies
中文简介 健康传播作为传播学的一大分支,兴起于上世纪80年代的美国。经过40多年的发展,健康传播已经形成相对较多的研究成果和一定的理论方法。相比之下,国内的健康传播研究起步较晚。2016年,在韩启德院士的倡导下,北京大学与北大医学部创办了国内第一个健康传播专业硕士项目,在致力于跨学科的实践创新型人才培养的同时,也致力于吸收新理论和新方法,构建合理的知识体系,为研究型人才的培养创造条件。
英文简介 As a major branch of communication studies, health communication emerged in the United States in the 1980s. After more than 40 years of development, health communication has formed a relatively large number of research results and certain theoretical methods. In comparison, domestic health communication research started relatively late. In 2016, under the advocacy of Academician Qide Han, Peking University and Peking University Health Science Center established the first master's program in health communication in China. While committed to cultivating interdisciplinary, practical, and innovative talents, it also aims to absorb new theories and methods, build a reasonable knowledge system, and create conditions for the cultivation of research talents.
This course invites scholars from home and abroad to focus on the introduction of cutting-edge and representative theories and methods in health communication research through thematic lectures, in order to promote academic exchanges between China and foreign countries and advance related research.
开课院系 新闻与传播学院
授课语言 中英双语
教材 The International Encyclopedia of Media Psychology,Li Jiang,Wiley,2021;
Health Communication Theory,Peter J. Schulz, Teresa L. Thompson,Wiley,2020;
教学大纲 介绍健康传播研究的主要理论和方法,促进中西方学术交流和对话
第一讲 元理论视角下的健康传播理论解析与归类 (蒋莉 3学时)
什么样的理论是一个好的健康传播理论?我们应该如何有效地增强和完善健康传播理论? 作为跨学科的领域,健康传播的魅力源自它的多元性,不同理论视角能因为共同的目标在不断整合和对话。本节从传统的传播元理论(也称为理论的理论)的视角出发,对健康传播领域的多个理论的视角进行解析和归类。

第二讲 媒介影响力研究:塑造健康行为与社会政策 (3学时)

第三讲 社会老龄化与健康传播的跨学科实证研究 (3学时)

第四讲 健康传播的混合研究方法初探 (3学时)

第五讲 健康叙事与认知行为研究 (3学时)

Lecture 1: Analysis and Classification of Health Communication Theories from a Meta-theoretical Perspective
What makes a good health communication theory? How can we effectively enhance and refine health communication theories? As an interdisciplinary field, the beauty of health communication lies in its diversity, with different theoretical perspectives constantly integrating and engaging in dialogue due to their shared goals. This seminar will analyze and classify multiple theoretical perspectives in the field of health communication from the perspective of communication meta-theories (also known as “theories of theories”).

Lecture 2:  Research on Media Influence: Shaping Health Behaviors and Social Policy  
This lecture will delve into the significant role of health communication in shaping health behaviors and social policies. Professor Jeff Niederdeppe will share his research findings on mass media campaigns, strategic messaging, and news coverage, and how these factors influence people`s health decisions and the formulation of health policies. The lecture will introduce some innovative health communication strategies and how effective communication efforts can promote health equity. Professor Niederdeppe will present his research cases to demonstrate the critical role of health communication in addressing current public health challenges and discuss the future direction of the field of health communication.

Lecture 3:  Interdisciplinary Empirical Research on Social Aging and Health Communication
The world population is aging rapidly, which presents both opportunities and challenges. Although emerging technologies are designed to help the aging population in urban cities to have more convenient daily lives with automated services using AI and automation, there are people who fall behind the rapid changes in various technological advancements, indicating a new wave of digital divide. An essential approach to turning challenges into opportunities is to support seniors’ acquisition of the appropriate capacities to take advantage of technologies so that they can flourish in fast-changing smart cities. This talk consists of three components. In the first part, I present both challenges and opportunities that aging societies are facing and discuss how to address them. In the second part, I present interdisciplinary theoretical frameworks, ranging from communication, psychology, and education, that can help us understand and conduct empirical research in the field of Gerontechnology. Finally, I present a series of my studies that utilized various interactive technologies, such as virtual reality technology, to train seniors on how to use daily automated tasks as a way to empower seniors to live independently and with dignity in the envisioned smart nation of Singapore.

Lecture 4 Mixed-methods Research in Health Communication Studies
What is mixed-methods research? In the context of health communication, how to use mixed methods? This talk is centered around health communication and covers topics, such as definition of mixed-methods, types of mixed-methods research, and steps in mixed-methods research design. The talk will end with three case studies that utilize mixed-methods to support health communication campaign.

Lecture 5: Narrative-based Strategies and Health Cognition and Behavior
Narrative-based strategies are widely used in health communication. How should we analyze the impact of narratives on people’s health cognition and behavior? In this seminar, we will introduce how to use content analysis and experiment to explore relevant research questions, understand their assumptions, procedures, and applications, and discuss the significance and process of pre-registration.

研究计划(research proposal)正文部分需包括:一、问题的提出与研究背景及意义;二、相关研究回顾(文献综述);三、研究方法;四、预期成果或结论,以中文或英文撰写,不少于1500个汉字或相应英文单词。附录部分包括参考文献、问卷设计(如有请附)或相关分析软件简介(如有请附)。
