
课程号 02535620 学分 3
英文名称 International Practice from the Perspective of the New Structural Economics
先修课程 无,对发展经济学尤其是一带一路国家发展实践感兴趣的学生都可以报名。
中文简介 本课程为学生解读“一带一路”倡议以及新结构经济学视角下的国际实践。在引入新结构经济学“增长甄别与因势利导框架”的基础上,分析非洲、亚洲工业园区发展的实践和经验,并提出“一带一路”建设需要第三方合作,包括与发达国家和国际组织的合作。“一带一路”建设中需要秉持绿色发展理念,推动基础设施绿色、低碳化,加强生物多样性保护和应对气候变化。在全球化重构形势下,“一带一路”建设面临新的挑战和机遇,需要在新结构经济学指导下推动 “基础设施+制造业+服务业”的新模式。

二、新结构经济学“增长甄别与因势利导框架”和工业园区建设的利益相关方分析(GROW model)
八、全球化重构形势下“一带一路”建设的挑战和机遇:全球产业链的区域化、多元化正在加速,部分“一带一路”发展中国家特别是非洲面临边缘化,需要推动 “基础设施+制造业+服务业”新模式
英文简介 This course will help students to understand the "belt and road initiatives” (BRI) and the international practice from the perspective of new structural economics, as well as the application of Growth Identification and Facilitation Framework (GIFF tool). The course assess the experience and lessons learnt from the industrial park development in selected African and Asian countries. The BRI needs third party cooperation, including cooperation with developed countries and international organizations. BRI also needs to uphold the concept of green development, promote green and low carbon infrastructure, strengthen biodiversity conservation and address climate change. Given the new trend of regionalization in the global supply chain, BRI is facing new challenges and opportunities, it is proposed to promote the new mode of “infrastructure + manufacturing + service” under the guidance of new structural economics. The course includes the following eight units:

1) BRI in the era of globalization: failure of “Washington consensus” while new structure economics becomes a viable option for developing countries.

2) New structural economics "Growth Identification and Facilitation Framework,GIFF)and stakeholder analysis of industrial park development (GROW model).

3) Case analysis: industrial park development in Africa, including the successful experience of Ethiopia; the INSE think tank team's practice in Benin, Nigeria, and other African countries.

4) Case analysis: Asian countries undertaking China's industrial transfer, including assessment of China Pakistan Economic Corridor.

5) Case study: BRI vs. BRICS mechanism (including New Development Bank) and AIIB. The developing countries in BRI need concessional resources but more on new development concept and best practices.

6) BRI and third party cooperation, including cooperation with developed countries and international organizations.

7) BRI and green development, including the assessment of the potential of responding to climate change and relocation of solar photovoltaic capacity from China to other developing countries.

8) The challenges and opportunities of BRI under the new trend of globalization: The regionalization of supply chain has been accelerating and some developing countries, African countries in particular, are facing marginalization. Therefore, in the implementation of BRI, a new model of "infrastructure + manufacturing + service" should be adopted.
开课院系 教务部
授课语言 英文
教材 战胜命运,林毅夫、塞勒斯汀·孟加,北京大学出版社,2017年,经济发展与转型:思潮、战略与自生能力,林毅夫,北京大学出版社,2008年,新结构经济学导论,林毅夫、付才辉,高等教育出版社,2019年,读懂“一带一路”,厉以宁、林毅夫,中信出版社,2015年,繁荣的求索,林毅夫,北京大学出版社,2012年,从西潮到东风,林毅夫,中信出版社,2012年,
教学大纲 本课程的基本目的是使学生能够以新结构经济学的视角分析“一带一路”建设为发展中国家带来的机遇,并通过实际案例评估亚洲、非洲国家承接产业转移的实践。在新冠疫情、中美贸易摩擦的背景下,全球产业链的区域化、多元化正在加速。“一带一路”建设需要推动“基础设施+制造业+服务业”的新模式,并与第三方合作,包括与联合国等国际组织对接,通过协同行动消除贫困,促进经济可持续发展。

The aim of this course is to enable students to analyze the opportunities brought by belt and road initiatives (BRI) for developing countries from the perspective of new structural economics, and to evaluate performance of industrial transfer in Asian and African countries through case studies. In the context of COVID-19 and Sino-US trade friction, the regionalization and diversification of the global industrial chain are accelerating. The BRI needs to promote the new mode of "infrastructure + manufacturing + service industry", and cooperate with the third parties, including cooperating with international organizations such as the United Nations, and eliminating poverty through coordinated action and promoting sustainable economic growth.
第一部分  全球化背景下“一带一路”倡议与新结构经济学
The Belt and Road Initiatives (BRI) and the New Structural Economics in the context of Globalization(两次课,6学时:3+3)
1.1、 全球化的进程和发展中国家的困境
经济全球化已经走到“十字路口”, 如何推动全球化进一步发展已成为世界性挑战。西方国家和多边金融机构推行 “华盛顿共识”给发展中国家带来企业破产、失业问题,新结构经济学作为新的发展经济学成为发展中国家的可行选项。
1.1. Globalization and the plight of developing countries
Economic globalization has come to a "crossroads", how to promote the further development of globalization has become a worldwide challenge. The implementation of the "Washington consensus" by western countries and multilateral financial institutions has brought many problems such as enterprise bankruptcy and unemployment to developing countries. As a new generation of development economics, the New Structural Economics has become a viable option for developing countries.
1.2、 “一带一路”倡议为发展中国家带来发展的新机遇
中国提出 “一带一路”倡议,为沿线国家创造了发展的机遇。“一带一路”沿线需要以基础设施建设为抓手,抓住劳动密集型加工业的转移机遇,增加出口,创造就业,实现工业化的目标。
1.2. The BRI brings new opportunities for developing countries
BRI has created opportunities for the countries along the route. These countries need to build infrastructure as the starting point, and seize the opportunity of industrial transfer to increase exports, create employment and achieve the goal of industrialization.

第二部分 新结构经济学“增长甄别与因势利导框架”
Growth Identification and Facilitation Framework of New Structural Economics(两次课:6学时:3+3)
2.1、 为发展中国家制定经济增长政策提供依据,新结构经济学提出了具有可操作性的“增长甄别与因势利导框架”(Growth Identification and Facilitation Framework,GIFF)。
2.1. The new structural economics has proposed an operational "Growth Identification and Facilitation Framework" (GIFF) as a tool for the policy makers in developing countries.
2.2、  工业园区建设的利益相关方分析(GROW model)
2.2. GROW model for stakeholder assessment in the industrial park
In the realization of the industrial parks, it is necessary to conduct a GROW (goal, reality, options, and worries) analysis to identify the main issues and interests of stakeholders, their respective realistic environment, various solutions and ways to solve problems, the concerns and risks, in order to propose "win-win" solutions. This part will analyze in detail with the practice of international think tank team.

第三部分 案例分析:非洲工业园区发展的实践
Case study: the development of industrial parks in Africa(两次课:6学时:3+3)
3.1、  非洲工业化发展面临五重“短板”:1)有技能的人力资源不足;2)基础设施较差;3)供应链不全;4)国内市场较小;5)治理体制低效。“一带一路”倡议的提出,为非洲的工业化进程提供了新的动力。非洲国家要抓住这个历史机遇,选择符合比较优势的产业,吸引外资、发展经济。
3.1. Industrialization in Africa faces five major constraints: 1) lack of skilled human resources; 2) poor infrastructure; 3) fragmented supply chain; 4) limited domestic market; 5) inefficient governance system. BRI has provided new impetus for Africa`s industrialization process. African countries should seize this historical opportunity, select industries in line with their comparative advantages, and attract foreign investment to develop their economy.
3.2、  2011年,作为世界银行首席经济学家的林毅夫教授积极推动埃塞俄比亚等非洲国家试行建立工业园区,消除软硬基础设施的约束和增长瓶颈,采用一站式服务改善软的制度环境,通过招商引资来发展具有潜在比较优势的产业,取得了立竿见影的效果。本章节还将结合新结构经济学国际智库团队在贝宁、尼日利亚等国的实践展开分析、讨论。
3.2. In 2011, as the chief economist of the world bank, Professor Justin Yifu LIN actively promoted Ethiopia and other African countries to establish industrial parks, so to eliminate the constraints and growth bottlenecks of soft and hard infrastructure, with one-stop services to improve the institutional environment, and develop industries with latent comparative advantages, which has achieved immediate results. This chapter will also analyze and discuss the practice of the international think tank team in Benin, Nigeria and other African countries.

第四部分 案例分析:亚洲国家承接中国产业转移的实践
Case study: Industrial transfer from China to other Asian countries(两次课:6学时:3+3)
4.1、  东南亚:随着中国生产要素成本上升,部分企业向东南亚转移产业链或加快海外布局。但东南亚国家基础设施落后,产业链不健全,缺少完备的配套产业和技术熟练的劳动力,只能承接部分低端产能,成为中国产业链的延伸。
4.1. Southeast Asia: with the rising cost of production factors, some enterprises transfer their production chains to Southeast Asia. However, Southeast Asian countries have inadequate infrastructure, incomplete industrial chain, lack of complete supporting industries and skilled labor force, and can only undertake some low-end production capacity, which has become an extension of China`s supply chain.
4.1、  南亚:中巴经济走廊是共建“一带一路”的标志性项目,以港口、能源、交通基础设施、产业合作为重点,聚焦农业、社会民生等领域开展合作。为吸引和承接中国的产业转移,巴基斯坦政府计划在中巴经济走廊沿线设立27个产业园区。本案例部分将结合新结构经济学国际智库在巴基斯坦的调研实践展开讨论。
4.2. South Asia: The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPAC) is the landmark project of BRI, focusing on the cooperation in the areas of port, energy, transportation and industrial cooperation. In order to attract China`s industrial transfer, the Pakistani government plans to set up 27 industrial parks along the China Pakistan Economic Corridor. This case section will be discussed based on the practice of the New Structural Economics International Think Tank team in Pakistan.

第五部分 案例分析:“一带一路”对接金砖机制、亚投行
Case study: BRI vs. BRICS and AIIB(两次课:6学时:3+3)
5.1、  金砖国家合作机制(包括新开发银行)和“一带一路”倡议互补互利,二者实现深度对接,是发展过程中的大势所趋。同时,“一带一路”也为金砖国家提供了更加广阔的合作平台。
5.1. The BRI and BRICS mechanism are complementary and mutually beneficial. The cooperation between the two represent the general trend of development. Meanwhile, the BRI has also provided a broader platform for cooperation among BRICS.
5.2、  亚投行拥有来自亚洲、欧洲、非洲、北美洲、南美洲、大洋洲的104个成员。“一带一路”发展中国家与亚投行的合作,不仅是为了获得优惠资金,更重要的是学习和分享新的发展理念和最佳实践。
5.2. AIIB has 104 members from Asia, Europe, Africa, North America, South America and Oceania. The cooperation between the developing countries and AIIB is not only for seeking concessional resources, but mainly for learning and sharing new development ideas and best practices.

第六部分 “一带一路”建设中的第三方合作
BRI and the third party cooperation(两次课:6学时:3+3)
6.1、  在“一带一路”建设中与第三方合作主要是指中国与发达国家合作共同开发发展中国家市场,将中国的优势产能、发达国家的先进技术和广大发展中国家的发展需求有效对接,实现互利多赢。本部分将结合中美非、中法非合作的具体案例辅助分析。
6.1. The third party cooperation is mainly to develop the markets in developing countries, combining China`s industrial capacity with advanced technology of developed countries, to meet the needs of developing countries, and achieve mutual benefits. This part will be combined with the specific cases of China-US-Africa and China-France-Africa cooperation.
6.2、  第三方合作也包括与联合国等国际组织的发展和合作规划对接,特别是把联合国2030年可持续发展议程融入共建“一带一路”。通过协同行动消除贫困,促进经济增长,解决教育、卫生、社会保护和就业机会的社会需求。本部分将就国际智库团队非洲项目和联合国合作的时尚行业可持续发展案例展开分析。
6.2. The third party cooperation also means cooperation with international organizations such as the United Nations, to support the Sustainable Development Goals in 2030 to eradicate poverty, promote economic growth and address the social needs of education, health, social protection and employment opportunities. This section will analyze the case of sustainable development in the fashion industry between the international think tank team Africa projects and the United Nations.

第七部分 “一带一路”建设与绿色发展
BRI and green development(两次课:6学时:3+3)
7.1、  在“一带一路”建设中需要秉持绿色发展理念,推动基础设施绿色、低碳化,强调生态文明理念,加强生态环境治理、生物多样性保护和应对气候变化。
7.1. In the implementation of BRI, we always uphold the concept of green development, promote the construction of green and low carbon infrastructure, emphasize the concept of ecological civilization, strengthen ecological environment management, protect biodiversity and address climate change.
7.2、  案例:中国光伏产业的发展大幅度降低了成本,帮助“一带一路”发展中国家解决电力可及性,同时也给一带一路国家承接部分光伏产能带来机遇。
7.2. Case study: the development of solar PV in China has led to significant cost decline in solar power, which helped to solve the problem of electricity accessibility in developing countries. There are also opportunities to relocate some solar PV manufacturing capacity from China to developing countries.

第八部分 全球化重构形势下“一带一路”建设的挑战和机遇
The challenges and opportunities of BRI under the new trend of globalization(两次课:6学时:3+3)
8.1、  在新冠疫情、中美贸易摩擦的背景下,虽然“成本与效益”仍是全球产业链布局的主导因素,但“供应安全”因素也成为产业链布局的一个重要考量因素,全球产业链的区域化、多元化有所加速,部分“一带一路”发展中国家特别是非洲国家面临边缘化。
8.1. In the context of COVID-19 and Sino-US trade friction, although the "cost and benefit" is still the dominant factor in the layout of the global supply chain, the supply security has also become an important factor. The regionalization of supply chain has been accelerating and some developing countries, African countries in particular, are facing marginalization.
8.2、  在“一带一路”建设中,需要推动 “基础设施+制造业+服务业”的新模式。在这个模式下,中国的国有企业主要注重投资基础设施项目,而民营企业主要在工业园区投资制造业、服务业。同时,鼓励与所在国当地企业及其他国际投资者共同合作。
8.2. In the implementation of BRI, a new model of "infrastructure + manufacturing + service" should be adopted. Under this model, Chinese state-owned enterprises mainly focus on infrastructure investment, while private enterprises mainly invest in manufacturing and service industries in industrial parks. At the same time, we encourage joint cooperation with the local enterprises and other international investors.
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