
课程号 04835510 学分 1
英文名称 Quantum hardware technology: from qubits to quantum computers
先修课程 大学物理(或电磁学)
中文简介 本次课程由米兰理工大学(Politecnico di Milano)的Daniele Ielmini教授讲授,授课语言为英语,授课内容为量子计算的底层硬件技术,包括自旋量子比特、超导量子比特,以及量子门与量子系统。
英文简介 This course will be delivered in English, by Prof. Daniele Ielmini from Politecnico di Milano. He will lecture on the underlying hardware technology of quantum computing, including spin qubits, superconducting qubits, as well as quantum gates and quantum systems.
开课院系 信息科学技术学院
授课语言 英文
教学大纲 本课程面向本科生和研究生,介绍量子计算的底层硬件技术,丰富同学们关于新型计算范式的知识,了解量子比特和量子计算的硬件实现方式。
Lecture 1: Why we need quantum computing. Fundamental non-tractable problems in society: quantum chemistry, cryptography, optimization and machine learning. Bits and qubits. The exponential property of multiple qubit states. Superposition, parallelism, interference, entanglement, decoherence.(4学时)
Lecture 2: The spin as a quantum paradigm. Stern-Gerlach experiment. The quantum measurement. Dirac notation and algebra matrix notation of quantum algorithms. The Bloch sphere. Single qubit gates: Pauli gates, Hadamard gates, S and T gates. Two qubit gates: CNOT, CPHASE and SWAP.(4学时)
Lecture 3: Unitary gates. Spin precession and Zeeman splitting. Electron spin resonance (ESR) and driven Rabi oscillations. DiVincenzo criteria for practical quantum computers. Decoherence: longitudinal and transversal times.(4学时)
Lecture 4: Spin qubits. Coulomb blockade, quantum dot (QD) and single electron transistor (SET). Physical qubits: materials, devices, manipulation and read. Spin-to-charge conversion. Dephasing and isotopic purification. Nuclear spin.(4学时)
Lecture 5: Superconducting qubits. LC oscillator. Superconductivity and the Josephson junction. Cooper pair box and the transmon. The superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID). Manipulation, readout and coherence. Overview of quantum technologies and systems.(4学时)