
课程号 21100013 学分 2
英文名称 Economy of Water Scarcity and Policy Analysis
中文简介 你知道吗?作为地球万物生命之源和人类社会发展不可或缺的基本物质条件之一的水资源正在面临着日益严峻的短缺危机;水资源危机已经从区域性的矛盾逐渐演变为全球人类面临的共同挑战。越来越多的证据表明,水资源危机的根本出路在于如何设计和实施有效的水资源管理制度和政策手段;实现水资源从供给管理到需求管理策略的转变。这也意味着资源经济学家必须在解决水资源危机中承担起更大的历史责任。
英文简介 Do you know? As the source of life and essential material conditions of development of human society, water has been challenged by increasing serious scarcity. Water scarcity has changed from regional conflict to global challenges. Increasing evidence indicate that the fundamental solution of resolving water scarcity is to design and implement effective water management institution and policy instruments; and realize the transform from supply management to demand management strategies. This implies that resource economics should bear more important historical responsibility of resolving water scarcity.
Therefore, how to understand the current situation and future trend of water scarcity from the opinion of economics? How the institution of water management has evolved? What kind of water management institution is more effective? How to measure the economic value of water resources? Whether incentive policies (such as water policy and water rights institution) can play significant role on resolving water scarcity? Whether water saving technologies has realized the purpose of real water saving?Water transfer projects between river basins or regions have been highly emphasized by policy makers. However, how about the effectiveness of the water transfer projects? Whether virtual water trade can be treated as important strategies on resolving water scarcity and ensuring food security?
Focusing on these issues and based on the theories and methodologies of resource economics, this course will conduct systematic qualitative and quantitative analysis on practical cases. This course aims to enrich students' theoretical knowledge and analytical approaches in resource economics (particularly water economics); understand the major frontier research progresses; learn how to use economic logic thinking and analysis approaches to understand and interpret major water problems; enhance students’ understanding on the current situation and future trend of water scarcity, and their capacity on using economic method to analyze the problems of water and other natural resources and their learning interest.
开课院系 现代农学院
授课语言 中文
教学大纲 本课程旨在丰富学生在资源经济尤其是水资源经济方面的主要理论知识和分析方法,了解该领域的研究进展,学会运用经济学的思维方式和分析方法来理解和解释现实生活中遇到的主要水资源问题,提高学生对水资源危机的现状、未来及可能解决方案的认知水平;提高学生运用经济学思维方式和分析方法来研究水资源等自然资源问题的能力及学习兴趣。
第一讲:水资源概论及水危机的现状与未来   (2)
1.1 水资源内涵和特征
1.2 全球水危机的现状及未来
1.3 中国水危机的现状及未来

第二讲  水资源管理制度及演变                (6)
      2.1 水资源管理体制及治理理念的演变  
      2.2 地表水灌溉管理制度及演变        
      2.3 地下水灌溉管理制度及演变        

第三讲  水资源经济价值及水价政策             (8)
3.1 水资源经济价值内涵与度量        
3.2 农业用水经济价值与灌溉水价政策  
3.4 生活用水经济价值与生活水价政策  

第四讲  水权制度与水权交易                    (4)
     4.1 水权制度内涵及类型             
     4.2 地表水水权交易及实践案例       
     4.3 地下水灌溉服务市场及实践案例   

第五讲  水资源利用效率、节水技术采用及真实节水 (6)
     5.1 水资源利用效率的内涵及现状    
5.2 农业节水技术采用及成效        
5.3 真实节水的争议                

第六讲  调水工程的利与弊的争议                 (2)
     6.1 全球和中国的调水工程
     6.2 国外调水工程的实践及争议     
     6.3 中国调水工程的实践及争议     

第七讲  虚拟水贸易及国家粮食安全               (2)
     7.1 虚拟水及虚拟水贸易的内涵与测度
     7.2 虚拟水贸易在全球与中国的现状与未来
教学评估 王金霞: