
课程号 21130019 学分 2
英文名称 An Introduction to Causality Identification Methods
先修课程 高等数学,经济学原理,初级计量经济学
中文简介 断点回归(RDD)、双重差分(DID)和工具变量法(IV)是经济学研究中最常用的因果识别方法。掌握这些方法的基本运用并不难,难的是如何在自己的研究中准确的运用这些方法。这是由于每一类方法都有众多延伸,例如,DID家族中的常用方法就有二期DID、多期DID、处理时间差异DID、处理强度差异DID、IV-DID、PSM-DID、RD-DID、Synthesized-DID、Event Study等等。由于每种方法的适用情景和假设各有差异,当研究者面对一份特异的研究数据时,恰当选择和运用因果识别模型就成了一个重大挑战。因果识别模型的错误运用已经成为研究论文被拒稿的最主要原因之一。
英文简介 The Regression Discontinuity Design (RDD), Difference-in-Differences model (DID), and Instrumental Variable methods (IV) are the most commonly used causal identification methods in economics research. It is not difficult to master the basic application of these methods, but the difficulty is how to accurately use these methods in your own research. This is due to the fact that each type of method has many extensions. For example, the commonly used methods in the DID family include two-phase DID, multi-phase DID, time-varying DID, intensity-varying DID, IV-DID, PSM-DID, RD- DID, Synthesized-DID, Event Study, etc. Since the applicable scenarios and assumptions of each method are different, when researchers are faced with a specific research data, it becomes a major challenge to properly select and use a causal identification model. Misuse of causal identification models has become one of the top reasons for rejection of research papers.
Based on a systematic summary of a large number of empirical articles, this course will systematically introduce the three causal identification methods of RDD, DID, and IV. Different from traditional causal identification courses, this course is not a comprehensive overview of causal identification methods, but an in-depth analysis of the three most commonly used causal identification methods from a practical point of view. The teaching process of this course will involve hundreds of empirical papers. Through the systematic summary, induction and comparison of these papers, students will master the assumptions, application scenarios and precautions of each causal identification method, making it possible to use these methods proficiently.
开课院系 现代农学院
授课语言 中文
教学大纲 本课程基于对大量实证文章的系统总结,对RDD、DID、IV这3大因果识别方法进行系统介绍。有别于传统的因果识别课程,本课程并不是对因果识别方法的全面概述,而是从实践的角度,针对3类最常用的因果识别方法进行深入剖析。本课程的教学过程将涉及上百篇实证论文。通过对这些论文的系统总结、归纳和对比,学生将掌握每个因果识别方法的假设、运用情景和注意事项,使熟练运用这些方法成为可能。

Lecture 1: 计量经济学因果识别方法概述
1. 因果识别方法在经济学研究中的重要性
2. 内生性问题详解
3. 变量因果关系图(Path Analysis)
4. 常用的因果识别方法概述: DID家族、RD家族、IV家族
5. 常用因果识别方法间的联系与区别
Lecture 2: DID家族
1. 熟悉而又陌生的DID:二期DID、多期DID、处理时间差异DID、处理强度差异DID、IV-DID、PSM-DID、RD-DID、Synthesized-DID 、Event Study等
2. 多种不同DID间的差异、联系与常见疑问
3. 如何基于数据选择不同类型的DID模型
4. 不同类型DID的有效性检验的常用方法
Lecture 3: DID案例剖析(上)
1. 基础DID,基于文献的技术细节剖析
2. IV-DID,基于文献的技术细节剖析
3. 被忽略的最一般化DID:面板数据固定效应模型
Lecture 4: DID案例剖析(中)
1. PSM-DID,基于文献的技术细节剖析
2. RD-DID,基于文献的技术细节剖析
Lecture 5: DID案例剖析(下)
1. Synthesized-DID,基于文献的技术细节剖析
2. Event Study,基于文献的技术细节剖析
Lecture 6: RD家族概述
1. Main features of the RD designs: Geographic RD、Time RD、Cohort RD
2. Key assumption
3. Advantages of the RD designs
4. Drawback of the RD designs
5. Local Average Treatment Effect
6. Parametric estimation
7. Non-parametric estimation
8. Fuzzy RD
9. Heterogeneous treatment effects models
10. Sorting and Donut-RD
11. Kink design
12. Difference-in-discontinuities
13. Multidimensional Designs
14. Software
Lecture 7: Geographic RD
1. Introduction
2. The model
3. Compound Treatments
4. Naive Distance
5. Spatial Treatment Effects
6. Falsification Tests
Lecture 8: Practical empirical issues of RD
1. Band width in raw data plot
2. Endogenous thresholds
3. Endogenous sorting
4. Imprecise manipulation is still valid
5. “Missing” units
6. Treatment boundary coincided with administrative boundaries
7. Measurement error
8. Imperfect ‘compliance’
9. External validity
10. Spillovers
Lecture 9: A checklist for RDD and 100 examples
1. Plotting the raw data
2. Focus on non-parametric models
3. Show the results using different bandwidths
4. Run manipulation tests
5. Placebo outcomes
6. Using placebo thresholds
7. Geographic Discontinuity examples
8. Discontinuity in Time examples
9. Cohort Discontinuity examples
Lecture 10: IV专题(上)
1. IV方法概述
2. IV方法假设
3. IV方法运用常见错误
4. 什么是一个好的IV
Lecture 11: IV专题(下)
1. 一个构造IV思路的完整列表
2. 基于文献综述的IV方法比较
Lecture 12: 因果识别方法常见技术细节汇总
1. Cluster的多种方法
2. Bootstrap
3. 固定效应的选择
4. 控制变量的选择
5. 反事实检验
6. 模型描述注意事项7. 待续
课堂表现及出勤 (30%) ,文献阅读与讨论(30%),课堂报告 (40%)。
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