
课程号 01430950 学分 2
英文名称 Earth Environment and Human Society
先修课程 初中数学,英语、语文,物理,化学
中文简介    《地球环境与人类社会》是一门全校性的通选课,学生不分文理都可以选。课程概括了人类社会发展过程和取得的成就,具体分析了人类社会发展对自然界中水、大气、土地的利用和影响,详细介绍了能源和原材料生产、基础设施建设、粮食和生活用品的生产加工以及交通运输工具的制造和使用等社会发展所需的各种过程对地球环境造成的改变和影响。课程就目前采取的环境治理措施及成效展开论述,探索其中可以改善或尚未解决的问题并构建一些可实行的绿色循环治理措施。

英文简介 "Earth environment and human society" is a comprehensive elective course at PKU. The course summarizes the development process and achievements of human society. It analyzes the use and influence of human social development on water, atmosphere and land in nature. It describes the changes and impacts of the various processes on the earth's environment such as the production of energy and raw materials, infrastructure construction, production and processing of food and living supplies, and the manufacture and use of transportation and transportation tools. The course discusses the current measures and results of environmental governance, explores the problems that can be improved or unsolved, and constructs some green recycling measures that can be implemented.            
At this stage, people's awareness of environmental protection is very important, and there are many people willingly to practice. In order to improve the earth's environment in an all-round way so as to realize the sustainable development of human society, the course describes the living environment of the city and the countryside, and discusses the methods of recycling and reuse of waste in daily life, and the efforts made by individuals to protect the environment. The public participation is put forward. The operational methods of environmental protection and governance. The environmental pollution is aggravated by the improper handling of our daily waste. Therefore, in the course, the specific implementation scheme of the classification and recovery of waste is put forward, which illustrates the feasibility of avoiding pollution from the source, and gives the ways to deal with the waste at present and the way to reuse the waste. The introduction of enzyme decomposition method to transform waste is a low cost and practical way for everyone to take part in, in order to mobilize the enthusiasm of everyone.            
The course teaching is the combination of classroom teaching and student discussion. The course content is basically involved in the daily life or can be found on the internet. As long as the students who enter the university through the college entrance examination will not have any difficulties in understanding. The main points of the lecture are introduced in class. The proposed argument encourages students to interact, stimulate students' interest in active discussion, and guide students to deepen their understanding of environmental pollution and governance. After each class, the open homework related to this class is arranged. The environmental problems related to the contents of the class are deepened by searching the relevant information, analyzing the consequences of these problems and summaring the treatment plan and efficiency. A feasible and low-cost governance scheme is conceived. In each class, we will discuss a better management plan before the new content.            Besides classroom lectures and homework discussions, practice and experiments are arranged. Students will visit the ecological park or the Environmental Science Research Institute, to get the feeling of good environment and the feasibility of pollution control. The experiment the enzyme decomposition method mentioned in the course of the actual hands-on. Such experiments will train the students' hands-on ability on one hand and to arouse the students' interest in in-depth study on the other hand. We hope to drive more people using their strength to contribute to the environmental protection. The final assessment is a course paper writing. The subject related to the theme of the earth environment and human society, is self-decided, for each student.                  
开课院系 地球与空间科学学院
通选课领域 f,a
授课语言 中文
教材 地球环境与人类社会,赵永红,自编讲义;
教学大纲 地球环境与人类的社会活动有着密切的关系。一方面,人类的生产和生活需要不断地向周围环境获取物质和能量,以求自身的生存和发展,同时需要将废弃物排放于地球环境之中,会给地球环境带来污染。《地球环境与人类社会》是一门全校性的通选课。主要从人类社会与地球环境的联系着手,围绕人类社会发展取得的成就,以及对环境造成的影响,分析目前整个社会面临的环境问题,并试图教会同学一些简单但是很有成效的环境治理和保护方法。
绪论 (2学时)
0.1 地球环境
0.2 人类社会发展
0.3 人类社会发展与地球环境的相互作用

第一章  自然界中的水、大气和土地  (2学时)
1.1 水、大气和土地的自然状况
1.2 人类对水、大气和土地的利用
1.3 自然灾害与防治
1.4 污染与治理

第二章   城市和农村的日常生活环境  ( 4学时)

第三章  生活用品的生产加工   (2学时)
3.1 农产品、食品、药品和化学试剂的生产
3.2 服装和日用品的加工
3.3 生活用品的生产加工对环境产生的影响
3.4 生活用品与人类活动

第四章  农业、林业和畜牧业  (2学时)
4.1 农业和林业的生产过程
4.2 畜牧业和渔业的发展
4.3 人类生活水平的改善和提高
4.4 与水和土地环境的相互作用

第五章  各种材料的生产  (2学时)
5.1 金属和陶瓷的生产
5.2 塑料、纸张、纺织品、皮革等材料的生产
5.3 可回收废弃物的再生材料生产
5.4 材料生产过程造成的环境问题
5.5 各种材料的应用

第六章  能源生产  (2学时)
6.1 煤炭、石油、天然气的开采
6.2 生物能、核能、太阳能和风能的利用
6.3 能源的生产和利用对人类社会进步的贡献
6.4 能源生产对环境造成的影响和治理成效

第七章 基础设施建设 (2学时)
7.1 建筑、桥梁与道路建设的过程
7.2 城镇的管道和线路
7.3 水、电、油、气的输运
7.4 基础设施建设对人类生活的改善
7.5 对环境产生的影响

第八章 交通工具的制造和使用(2学时)
8.1 汽车,火车,飞机,轮船以及其他交通工具的制造
8.2 交通工具的使用与人类社会发展
8.3 制造和使用交通工具产生的环境问题和解决方案

第九章 其它(2学时)
9.1 特殊材料和高科技产品的研制加工
9.2 航天科技的发展
9.3 武器和战争与人类社会
9.4 高科技技术的和平利用

第十章 碧水、蓝天、净土(2学时)
10.1 人类社会与地球环境的互动
10.2 空气保鲜
10.3 水的净化
10.4 土壤改良
10.5 人人参与环保共建美好家园

教学评估 王腾: