
课程号 03835440 学分 2
英文名称 History and Culture in American Political Speeches
先修课程 大学英语课程,通过英语6级考试。英国简史
中文简介 鉴于中美建交40年后,中美关系出现了大的倒退,出现了除了“脱钩”以外的大范围停摆,甚至有走向全面对抗的趋势,有必要重开这门有关美国的政治历史文化课,在教师的讲授和引导下,使学生能对美国政治历史的重大事件和意识形态想像有个初步的、全面的了解,进而站在改革开放的新时代中国道路自信和文化自信的立场上提高政治意识,锤炼独立思考能力,提高意识形态分析能力。

英文简介 RATIONALE: Global cultural awareness calls for the understanding and unveiling of political discourse of the dominant ideology. In the pace of rapid globalization, the leading nations of the world are playing more important roles in the peace, economic, social and environmental affairs of the world. In the beginning decades of the new millennium, Sino-US relation and communication has ever been a crucial part of the world peace and stability. It is therefore necessary to look into some historical documents in American political history to understand the increasingly imposing image of American democracy.
?  be aware of the preliminary knowledge of American history  and
  political ideology as basically demonstrated by representative political
  leaders in the history;
?  improve English language proficiency both by reading political texts
  and discussing about American politics;
?  understand some fundamental rhetoric scheme in public speaking. All
  these objectives are meant to build a prerequisite qualification for
  further academic pursuit in the high educational setting in the US.
? Focus will be made more on text reading and classroom discussion than on conceptualization on history and political theory.
? A sense of narratable history and political thoughts will be developed instead of scholarly or philosophical approach to history and politics.
? Classroom discussion and group presentation will be closely observed as part of the learner’s progress in the course. (suggested members of the group: 3-4)
Also, as part of the course evaluation, each student is required to participate in a group work for a brief speech of certain political topic, presented by a chosen member of the group, expressing definition, opinion or evaluation of a political issue that appears during the course
Prerequisites  participating student need to be intensively motivated in the subject; ready with chronological knowledge of American history; CET-6 and up English proficiency and good communication skills are also required for meaningful class involvement.
Course requirements  and scoring
- class performance  10%  (presence and presentation)
- public speaking  10%   (15 minutes each for each group; about 7
      groups, each with 5 members)      
- term paper  50% (paper writing tutorial available during
     the last five weeks before the course close, strict  
     penalty on plagiarism)
- final exam   30% (mostly multiple choice questions   
 covering the instructional content of the course)
开课院系 外国语学院
通选课领域 e
授课语言 中英双语
教材 Great speeches in American history :Jensen,Richard J. (Richard Jay),1990,The inaugural addresses of the U.S. presidents,2007,美国历届总统就职演说,北京 中央编译出版社,2005,American constitutional history : essays,Corwin, Edward Samuel,,Great American speeches,Stratton,Clarence. J.B. Lippincott,1921,Contemporary American speeches : a sourcebook of speech forms and principles,Linkugel, Wil A,1969,Selected American speeches on basic issues, 1850-1950,1960,Selected American Political Speeches,黄必康,自编,尚未正式出版;
教学大纲 本课程的目的有三个:1)使学生对英文政治演说辞的语言和文体修辞特点有个基本的理解和体验;2)培养
week contents Focal Notes
1 Orientation and Introduction,
John Winthrop: On Liberty Puritanism; theocracy; liberty
2 Zeal for Independence
Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry Taxation
3 Revolutionary ideology
Thomas Jefferson (John Locke) (Registration close)
Natural Law and Equality
4 Constitutional Establishment I
Patrick Henry vs. James Madison (Anti)Federalism
5 Constitutional Establishment II
Franklin and Hamilton Spirit of compromise
6 Democracy and National Identity I
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams Nationalism in neutrality Protection of minority
7 Good Feeling and Grassroots Democracy
James Monroe and Andrew Jackson
End of classicism
Jacksonian Democracy
8 Westward Expansion and its Toll I
Henry Clay, James Polk and Chief Settle Slavery; Manifest Destiny; Compromise
Book Report Due
9 Civil War
John Calhoun and Brown Nullification and theory of secession
Abolitionism and armed delivery
10 Civil War and Reconstruction
Abraham Lincoln Unionism, Prudence
11 Black Rights in Industrialization
Frederic Douglass, Booker T. Washington and W.E. B. DuBois Compromise or agitation for rights
12 Reforms and Crises in Wars
Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson
(Term paper office hours activated)
progressive and
13 Reforms and Crises in Wars
F D. Roosevelt depressive myth and the New Deal “epic”
14 Cold War and Civil Rights
John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. New generation facing new problems
15 New Order and War against Terror
Richard Nixon and George W. Bush Paradox: change for world peace and war
COURSE EXAM Term Paper Due
教学评估 黄必康: