
课程号 03835460 学分 2
英文名称 English  and  American  Drama  and  Film
中文简介 《英美戏剧和电影》为那些对英美戏剧感兴趣,想进一步丰富文学知识、提高英语水平的非英语专业学生设置,是一门集英美经典戏剧阅读、由戏剧改编的电影欣赏以及英语视听于一体的综合课。
英文简介 English & American Drama and Film is a comprehensive course designed for Chinese English learners of the English language, especially those students who are interested in English and American drama, hope to enrich their literary acquirements, and improve their English skills. The course integrates the introduction to English and American drama, reading of classical plays, appreciation of the films adapted from these plays, and drama performance.
By effectively combining the two distinct artistic forms of drama and film, this course aims to acquaint non-English majors with a general knowledge of the principal works in English and American drama, stimulate their interest in reading the original plays, and enhance their English proficiency and aesthetic taste.
This course plans to teach six English and American plays, and briefly introduce to students the historical developments of English and American drama, and concerned playwrights’ literary careers, guidelines for their composition and the artistic characteristics of their plays. The six plays that will be discussed in class are Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw, An Ideal Husband by Oscar Wilde, Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams, The Crucible by Arthur Miller, and A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry.
开课院系 英语语言文学系
授课语言 英文
教材 无;
教学大纲 本课旨在通过有效结合戏剧与电影这两种不同的艺术形式,使非英语专业的学生能在较短时间内对英美戏剧的代表作有一个大概的了解,激发他们阅读英文原著的兴趣,提高他们的语言水平和鉴赏能力
周次 内容
1-2 课程简介、《卖花女》
3-4 《理想丈夫》
5-7 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》、第一次小测验
8-9 《欲望号街车》
10 第一次小话剧展示
11-12 《萨勒姆的女巫》
13-15 《阳光下的葡萄干》、第二次小测验
16 第二次小话剧展示、课程总结
1. 平时(40%),包括:
(1) 一次英语小话剧展示(15%)。分组进行,自编剧本,时长15-20分钟,内容基于课上学习的六个剧本中的一个,可以是剧中故事的续集、前传,也可以是现代版的改写等。
(2) 课堂表现及两次小测验(15%)。
(3) 一篇英文读书报告(10%)。从课上学习的六部剧作中任选一篇写,可以关于主题、人物、表现手法等,400词以上。
2. 期末考试(60%):主要考查对剧情的熟悉、重要台词的辨析、剧作主题的理解等。题型包括填空题、判断题、台词辨析题、论述题。